What is White Fish and Reasons to Add It to the Diet

Health authorities say that white meat such as chicken, turkey and fish are better for you than red meat, mainly because they are lower in fat and cholesterol. In this article, we will focus on fish, in particular the white kind — yes, aside from being regarded as white meat, fish also comes in a white variety. So read on to learn more about it as well as know why it should be added to your diet at least twice a week.

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A Culinary Favorite

White fish is flaky and has a mild flavor. It’s exactly because of its texture and taste why seasoned chefs and gourmets from across the globe love white fish. Needless to say, it’s perfect for you especially if your taste buds are not fond of anything that tastes too fishy.

If you’re not that familiar with white fish, here are some of the most common examples:

  • Sea bass
  • Cod
  • Haddock
  • Flounder
  • Halibut
  • Cream dory

There is another reason why a lot of people, not just culinary and food experts, love white fish: it is very healthy and nutritious, and thus its regular consumption comes with all kinds of health perks — many of them we will discuss later on in this article.

Their Oily Counterparts

If you are fond of reading online articles about weight loss diets, dietary recommendations for preventing heart disease or healthy eating in general, then it’s very much possible that you have already come across tons of recommendations for you to regularly consume oily fish, such as:

  • Mackerel
  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Herring
  • Trout
  • Sardines

Why are these types of fish referred to as oily? That’s because they are literally oily — the oil they contain is what makes them regarded as some of the healthiest forms of fish on the face of the planet.

Oily fish is extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are healthy fats revered for the many perks they offer. Reduced blood pressure and cholesterol, decreased heart disease risk, alleviated joint pain and chronic inflammation, improved brain and nerve health, reduced cancer risk, lowered anxiety and depression — these are just some of the most well-known health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids found in oily fish.

Just a Couple of Issues

Although undeniably super healthy, there are a couple of reasons why a lot of people are intimidated by regularly eating oily fish. For one, they tend to have overpowering taste. Unlike white fish that boasts of a delicate and mild flavor, oily fish tends to fill your mouth with an unmistakable fishy taste.

Health authorities also confirm that a lot of oily fish could have alarming amounts of heavy metals such as mercury in them — oil in the body of oily fish can retain heavy metals. This is the reason why the consumption of oily fish, especially tuna, should be limited to not more than twice a week only especially among pregnant women as heavy metals could have devastating effects on their babies.

The good news is that you don’t have to worry about encountering a strong fishy flavor and heavy metals when having white fish. It may not be as high in omega-3 fatty acids as oily fish, but it still offers many health perks.

Health Benefits

Now we have come to the most important part of this article: the health benefits to enjoy for eating white fish!

It’s a wonderful idea for you to add at least a couple of servings of white fish to your diet, say health authorities. Such makes it possible for you to enjoy the following amazing perks:

Lowered blood pressure and cholesterol

Being high in good cholesterol, white fish can help to lower bad cholesterol. This helps to fend off arterial clogging and hardening due to bad cholesterol accumulation, as well as high blood pressure.

Reduced heart disease risk

Both high cholesterol and high blood pressure are regarded as risk factors for deadly heart disease. Because regular intake of white fish can help prevent them, keeping heart disease at bay should be easier.

Increased RBC

Short for red blood cells, RBCs are blood components that transport oxygen. Not having enough RBCs results in a condition referred to as anemia. White fish contains B12 which is essential for optimum RBC synthesis by the body.

Improved mental state

Aside from RBC production, B12 is also a role player in keeping the brain healthy. It’s for this reason why consuming white fish often is a wonderful idea if you are suffering from anxiety disorder or clinical depression.

Optimized immune system

There are so many other B vitamins present in white fish, and most of them help to keep your immune system strong. Having a bolstered immune system is vital for fending off all kinds of infections, such as the common cold and flu.

Tougher bones

One of the minerals found in white fish is phosphorous. According to scientists calcium has to combine with phosphorous in order for it to be able to harden the bones. So in other words, white fish consumption can help to lower your osteoporosis risk.

Leaner and stronger muscles

White fish is an excellent source of high-quality protein, and that’s why regular intake of it is vital for muscle building. Protein also accelerates the metabolism, making white fish very good for those who wish to slim down.

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