After Holiday Detox Tips

After the holidays see us feeling the weight of all the fat and greasy dishes that we have eaten for the past few days and although we enjoyed feasting on some of the best meals that your loved ones had prepared, your body might be groaning with all the calories that you have consumed. For sure you’re thinking of going on a detox to alleviate your queasy feeling but before you say no to all the bad stuff, scientists recommend that you should ease yourself into a detox diet rather than go cold turkey all at once.

What other detox tips should you know about that you can do after the holidays? Here are some that are worth mentioning.

Distract yourself

If you are feeling hunger pangs trying to get your attention, the best thing to do is to distract yourself. This can be doing something simple such as walking your dog for ten minutes, washing the dishes, or even doing some papers that you’ve been meaning to do. Distracting yourself can help you forget that you are hungry so less food consumed for the time being.

Tweak your diet

Another way to start your detox is to make healthier changes to your meals. If you’ve been eating plenty of processed foods, add more servings of vegetables and fruits on your plate so you will feel fuller in no time. Plus, you are getting some important vitamins and minerals into your body this way.

Skip the sodas

If drinking soda is your way of hydrating yourself, you need to stop what you are doing and start thinking healthy. Sodas often contain high amounts of sugar and calories that will only contribute to your weight gain. Go for tea, sparkling water, or even some fresh lemonade if you like as they are lower in calorie content.

Magnesium supplements

Keeping ourselves healthy post holidays is possible by adding magnesium supplements to your diet. It would be even better if you add more magnesium-rich foods to your meals such as pumpkin and almonds as they can help you fight off stress after the holidays.

Start measuring

Another tip to follow when you’re on a holiday detox is to learn how to use your measuring tools. If you are using a detox diet to shed those extra calories that you have gained over the past few weeks, it is only right that you learn how to measure ingredients properly to ensure that you stick with the diet plan.

Give yourself time to adjust

Going on a detox should be stress free so give yourself time to adjust to the dietary changes that you are making. Don’t beat yourself up if you succumb to the temptation of sweets in the fridge because you can make adjustments to your diet to accommodate the extra calories you’ve consumed.

Get fit

If you really want to start your detox right, it would help if you start to become more physically active. This will also help support your detox goals so that you will be able to lose weight in no time.

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