Different Uses of Mandarin Essential Oil

Mandarins are small citrus fruits that are smaller that oranges and taste sweeter, too! Just like what they are called suggests, mandarins originated in China where it was consumed as food and used for medicinal purposes. The peels of these fruits yield mandarin essential oil that smells sweet and offers a number of health and beauty benefits, like:

It Heals Acne

Thanks to the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of mandarin essential oil, it’s highly effective against acne. It is mild enough to be massaged on trouble spots even without dilution. But just in case you notice a stinging sensation, wash it off with water. Reapply mandarin essential oil that’s diluted with coconut oil or olive oil.

It Lightens Dark Scars

There are many scar-removal products on today’s market, but a lot of them contain harsh chemicals. Also, you can expect for them to come with very steep price tags. An all-natural way to lighten dark scars left behind by the likes of pimples, acne and cuts is by regularly applying a generous amount of mandarin essential oil on them.

It Prevents an Infection

Speaking of cuts, you may actually place a few drops of mandarin essential oil on minor skin wounds to keep them from being infected. That’s because the sweet-smelling oil is capable of zapping bacteria. What’s more, it contains good amounts of vitamin C, a nutrient that helps accelerate the healing of injured skin.

It Minimizes Wrinkles

Some of the best anti-aging solutions on the planet are those that come from nature, and one very good example is mandarin essential oil. Dilute it with the carrier oil of your choice and apply a thin layer on your face, most especially on wrinkled areas to promote the production of collagen, a protein type that keeps the skin soft and supple.

It Decongests the Airway

Having a bout of cough or the common cold can make it hard for you to breathe. Before you try decongestants that can leave you drowsy, try mandarin essential oil first. You may place a few drops of it in a basin of hot water, and then lean towards it and cover your head with a towel — the steam can open up those clogged airways.

It Eases Joint Pain

Massaging mandarin essential oil on achy and swollen joints like the knees, elbows and shoulders can bring much-needed relief. It’s for the fact that the oil can create warmth, which helps enhance blood flow to the area. By increasing the supply of oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to problematic joints, both pain and swelling can be eased effectively.

It Promotes Better Digestion

After having a meal, especially a large one, consider drinking a cup of warm water with a few drops of mandarin essential oil in it. The said beverage can help improve the digestive process, thus warding off any problem that may stem from poor digestion. However, it’s not a good idea to try this if you’re suffering from acid reflux.

It Relieves Anxiety

Rather than swallowing an anti-anxiety drug that can be very addicting, consider taking a whiff of mandarin essential oil when you are feeling nervous. The citrusy smell it has can help calm your mind, allowing you to combat that anxious feeling. If you have anxiety disorder, it’s a good idea to have a small bottle of it in your bag always.

It Also Combats Stress

At the end of a tiring day, you may switch on your diffuser and place some mandarin essential oil in it to feel the air with its scent. The characteristic smell of mandarin essential oil is known to be very good at relaxing both your mind and body. Pair it with soothing music, journal writing or book reading and your stress will surely go away.

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