5 tricks to Staying Focused when Studying

Students often find themselves hard pressed studying from time to time, especially when it comes to preparing for a test. Many become frustrated with their slow progress that they just give up altogether. Well, one reason why students can’t really focus on their studies is that there are so many distractions happening around them. Unfortunately, if you keep letting yourself be distracted, you may not be able to do any studying at all. With that being said, here are 5 tricks that can help you focus better.

Turn off your phone

Students will surely have a phone with them to communicate with family and friends, but when your device is taking up most of your time, you will need to learn to let it go while you are studying. Turning it off will make it easier for you to concentrate in your lessons instead.

Set your timer

Another tip that you should consider when you are studying is to time to yourself. Whether you are using your laptop or reading your textbook or whatnot, timing yourself for every subject is one way to keep yourself focused. Place the timer in a place where you can see how many minutes are left for you to study so there will be no room for you to distract yourself.

Reward system

What else can help you focus? How about a reward system? Your parents may have used this technique when you were a little kid so you will do something in return. Well, this approach may be useful now that you are a student. Setting a study goal every day and rewarding yourself after can make you more focused which is beneficial to your studies. Your reward can be something simple as buying new clothes, getting a new book, and whatnot.

Prepare nourishing snack

Another tip that will help you stay alert and awake while you are studying is to prepare a nourishing snack. Most of us tend to eat chips, sweets, and the like when we are studying but these are empty calories that aren’t doing you any good. A better option would be to prepare yourself a nourishing snack that will help boost your mind. Think bananas and peanut butter, baked kale, and such.

Break up your time

If you want to absorb all the information that you need when studying, make sure that you break your time properly. You cannot study for four subjects in just under an hour so time your studies as much as possible.

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