Health Benefits of Wakame

Are you fond of eating all sorts of Chinese, Korean and most especially Japanese dishes? Then it’s very much likely for you to have already encountered wakame for a number of times without you knowing it. In this article, we will get to know the many, many impressive health perks that this sea vegetable is known to offer.

There will never be a shortage of wakame because it is regarded as an invasive seaweed, which only means that it can grow and multiply rapidly. For the most part, that’s great news because there’s an abundance of it available especially for health-conscious individuals. Yup, wakame is super good for you!

You can get your hands on wakame in dehydrated form at most Asian and gourmet grocers. Having wakame rehydrated is really easy. All you have to do is soak it in warm water for about 10 minutes — it will turn green and shiny. Drain and then dunk in boiling water. After a couple of minutes, rinse in cold water immediately.

Start chopping up wakame. Once you do so, it’s completely up to you how you want to consume it. One of the greatest thing about wakame is it’s a highly versatile sea vegetable. You can have it added to soups or stews, or even toss it together with other veggies to be sautéed or stir-fried.

Now comes the best part: getting to know the health benefits of consuming wakame! So without any more ado, here are some of the reasons why adding this seaweed to your diet regularly is a wonderful idea:

It’s Rich in Iodine

Your thyroid gland performs so many important functions, from regulating your heart rate to controlling your metabolism. This is why keeping it in a tip-top shape is a must. One way to do so is by having a diet that’s rich in iodine, which is a mineral that you can obtain from wakame.

It Supplies Vitamin C

Wakame contains good amounts of vitamin C. As we all know quite very well, the said nutrient is essential for making the immune system strong. So in other words, serving soups and salads containing wakame more often on the table can help lower your risk of going down with the flu or cold.

It Has Vitamin D, Too

There’s also vitamin D present in wakame, which is a nutrient so important for regulating the mood. This vitamin is vital for the proper functioning of the nerves and muscles, too. Experts say that it’s also necessitated for the bones to absorb calcium, whose perks will be discussed next.

It Also Yields Calcium

Another nutrient that you can obtain from every serving of wakame is calcium. This only means that the consumption of this sea vegetable can help keep osteoporosis from being a health issue. Calcium is also important for strengthening your pearly whites, so eat wakame and smile!

It Provides Iron

Just like what the name says, iron-deficiency anemia is a blood disorder that is due to insufficiency of iron in the body. It is something that you don’t want to have because it can cause fatigue, weakness, palpitations and shortness of breath. Enjoying iron-containing wakame regularly can help keep it at bay.

Don’t forget to share this article to let everyone know just how wonderful wakame is!

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