Fruits That Should Not be Stored in the Refrigerator

If you think that stashing your fruits in the refrigerator is a wonderful idea, think again. There are certain fruits that can be damaged by the fridge, and they are better off placed on your countertop.

Without further ado, make sure that you keep the following fruits out of the refrigerator:


There is a large stone within every piece of cherry, and it’s something that can absorb the cool temperature inside your refrigerator. As a result, cherries can be chill damaged from within, leaving them flavorless. If you like your cherries chilled, allow them to ripen first on the countertop and then stash them in the fridge for a few minutes.


Just like cherries, peaches are highly susceptible to chill damage because of the large stones they contain. Needless to say, storing peaches in the fridge can make them less delightful to consume.


It’s not all the time that you have access to ripe mangoes, and that’s why it can be very tempting to keep them inside the fridge at all times. However, they have stones in them, and refrigerating ripe mangoes can leave them mealy and generally lackluster taste-wise. Keep ripe mangoes outside the fridge so that you may enjoy these tropical treats better.


You should also refrain from stashing nectarines in the refrigerator. Again, it’s because they have stones in them. Can you spot a trend here? Any fruit that has a stone within is not meant to be kept inside the fridge.


It’s always a delight to snack on watermelon slices chilled. But it’s not a good idea to keep unsliced watermelons in the refrigerator, experts say. That’s because doing so can destroy some of their antioxidants — watermelon antioxidants are designed to thrive in the summer heat. Chill watermelons in the refrigerator after they’ve been sliced.


Everyone knows that strawberries have a very short shelf life, and that’s why it is a good idea to have them consumed as soon as you can. Refrigerating them for days is a no-no if you want to take advantage of all their antioxidants.


Just like strawberries, the shelf life of blueberries is not as impressive as their nutritional profile. It is recommended for you to consume fresh blueberries within a day or two of purchasing them. It’s an entirely different story with frozen blueberries ­ — they should be stashed in the freezer all the time to keep them from being damaged.


You should not refrigerate apples for the sake of other fresh produce inside the fridge. In low temperatures, apples give off a certain type of gas that can speed up the ripening of fruits and vegetables nearby.


Experts say that unripe bananas ripen so much better on the countertop. Refrigerating them can actually slow down the entire process. Similarly, you should refrain from stashing ripe bananas in the fridge — the cold and dark environment within can accelerate the rotting process. When bananas are already ripe, consume them and not keep them.


Just like unripe bananas, unripe avocados are also best placed on the countertop than inside the fridge if you want them to ripen at a much faster rate. If you are not planning on eating ripe avocados right away, have them refrigerated.


It’s not a good idea for you to store oranges inside the refrigerator. Doing so will only result in loss of flavor — it’s the characteristic flavor of oranges that we love the most about these citrus fruits! But if you want to snack on chilled oranges, feel free to stash them in the fridge for up to 30 minutes beforehand.


Again, keeping lemons inside the refrigerator will only cause them to lose much of their citrusy flavor. Needless to say, it is a much better idea for you to leave those lemons on your countertop instead.

Have you already tried keeping in the fridge fruits other than those that are mentioned above? How were they when you took them out and consumed them?

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