The Color Chart for Anti-Aging

Stopping the march of time is impossible but you can take steps in slowing down aging with the right skin care routine. It’s true that there are plenty of skin care products like creams, serums, and the like that will help you look young as you age but should you rely on them all the time? Not when you can turn to natural methods to maintain that youthful glow of yours. For one thing, eating the right kinds of food can help prevent premature aging which is why, if you are interested in preventing lines and wrinkles, try using this color chart when you go to the grocery to ensure that you are getting enough nutrients for your skin and health.

Orange. Foods that have the orange color like sweet potatoes and carrots are rich in beta-carotene which your body transforms into vitamin A that is not only good for maintaining good eyesight but also keep your skin in the best condition. Vitamin A can aid in keeping your skin smooth and supple even as you get on in years which is why they are a welcome addition to any diet.

Purple. Purple colored foods like beets are good for detoxification which your body needs as it tends to absorb quite a lot of toxins from the air that we breathe to the food that we eat. If you notice that your skin is starting to look dull, it may be due to the amount of toxins in our body which is why eating beets and other foods that are in this color range is recommended. Eliminating toxins can help your skin repair itself so it will prevent signs of aging from appearing too.

Red. Another color that it is worth adding to your list of foods to eat is red. Think tomatoes and watermelon where red contains lycopene which is known for protecting your skin against sun damage. Every time you step out the sun, you are exposing your skin to the sun’s rays which can speed up aging especially when you are not wearing ample proteciton like sunscreen. Eating foods like tomatoes and watermelon can provide you with another layer of protection so your skin won’t dry up too fast or cause wrinkles and other signs of aging to appear.

Yellow. One reason why lines and wrinkles appear on our skin is because oru collagen production is no longer up to par. With that being said, it would help to add foods that are yellow in color as they can boost collagen production. Lemon is a good place to start but don’t forget yellow bellpeppers too. Add some lemon to your drinks or toss bellpeppers in your salads or stir-fry meals to increase collagen production.

Blue. Blueberries, anyone? If you are aiming for preserving the natural smoothness of your skin, it wouldn’t hurt to add blueberries to your list of foods to eat. For one thing, blueberries are rich in antioxidants that can fight off free radicals in your body. Free radicals are the ones that are causing damage to your skin cells which make wrinkles and lines appear. The antioxidants that are present in blueberries can flush them from your body so your skin will remain smooth and supple. 

This color chart aims to help you slow down signs of aging from appearing. Adding these foods to your diet can make a huge difference to your skin’s condition so don’t hesitate to try them on today. For sure, you will see improvement on the quality of your skin and your overall health too for that matter.

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