How to Combat Seasonal Changes the Natural Way

We always welcome the changes to the season especially when the weather shifts from cold to warmer months. Many of us look forward to spring, but there are those who cannot fully appreciate Mother Nature waking up because of seasonal allergies triggered by the smell of freshly mown lawn and high pollen count just to name a few.

Those with seasonal allergies often experience post-nasal drip, congestion, constant sneezing, and itchy eyes even. Although some only have mild symptoms, there are those whose severe reactions leave them unable to function very well.

There are other factors that can cause allergy symptoms such as nasal polyps, asthma, pregnancy, deviated septum, or current illness since it affects the immune system which protects you from seasonal allergies.

That said, how will you combat allergies triggered by seasonal changes?

Raw local honey

One way to help alleviate seasonal challenges is to take raw local honey. This is due to the fact that raw local honey contains pollen in the area which can help increase your resistance to the pollen count. It would be a good idea to take a few tablespoons of honey each day.

Apple cider vinegar

Another way to combat seasonal allergies is to use apple cider vinegar. This vinegar can help improve your immune system while breaking up the mucus building up in your lungs and nasal passages while promoting lymphatic drainage too. To use this remedy, mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, with a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, and half a tablespoon of local raw honey thoroughly then drink. This should be taken three times a day to improve your immune system and to alleviate the symptoms of seasonal allergies.

Lavender essential oils

You can also diffuse lavender essential oils in your bedroom to help ease any symptoms that are triggered by seasonal allergies. The scent of lavender has anti-inflammatories and calming properties that can alleviate the problem and will even help you sleep better too.


Another natural remedy that you can try to reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergies is pineapple. This fruit is known to contain Bromelain as well as vitamins B, C, and other important nutrients that can help reduce any reaction to your seasonal allergies.  

Clean proteins

What else can you do to help minimize your seasonal allergies? Consuming clean proteins, that’s what. Clean proteins are typically found in free-range poultry, grass-fed meats, and even wild-caught fish just to name a few. Aside from proteins, you can also get omega-3 essential fatty acids that can contribute to better immune system and heart health as well.

Peppermint essential oil

If you want to alleviate the blockage in your nasal passages, you can use peppermint essential oil. Apply it topically on your neck, forearms, or even your temple so you can easily inhale the scent of peppermint which can clear up the blockages in your nasal passages.

Organic vegetables

If you want to build up your immunity from allergens, you should stock up on organic vegetables to help deliver more nutrients to your body. Examples of vegetables that you should go for include Swiss chard, beets, yams, cabbage, and even carrots just to name a few. These vegetables are high in nutritional content which can help improve your immune system and keep seasonal allergies at bay as well. These are just a few ways on how you can avoid having your allergies triggered once the season changes. Adding these to your diet or part of your daily routine can improve your overall health even when allergens abound.

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