Health Benefits Offered by Perilla

A member of the mint family, perilla is native to Asia where it is consumed as a vegetable and used for various medicinal purposes, too. Actually, it’s been part of traditional Chinese healing for so many years now. These days, you can easily obtain perilla in tea, powdered or capsule form at many herbal or health food stores.

One of the reasons why perilla is beneficial is the loads of antioxidants it contains. Everyone knows that antioxidants help reduce oxidative stress by neutralizing excess free radicals. As a result, a number of health problems that usually stem from oxidative stress can be prevented with the help of perilla.

Perilla is also known to possess fatty acids. What’s so amazing about the fatty acids it contains is they are in the perfect ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to omega-6 fatty acids. It’s exactly because of such why perilla is commonly employed for dealing with inflammatory conditions, such as those concerning the cardiovascular system and joints.

Here are some of the health benefits that perilla is known to offer:

Lowered Heart Disease Risk

Just like what’s mentioned earlier, the superb ratio of healthy fats in perilla makes this herb beneficial for preventing heart disease. It helps in maintaining healthy blood vessels, keeping them from becoming hard and prone to accumulating plaque. What’s more, antioxidants in perilla help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the food you eat, keeping them out of the arteries where they can collect and cause some very serious problems.

Reduced Oxidative Stress

There are a number of health nightmares that can be traced back to oxidative stress. They range anywhere from arthritis to cancer. Oxidative stress is something that happens when the body becomes flooded with excessive amounts of free radicals. Antioxidants found abundantly in perilla are the ones that are totally capable of wiping out those excess free radicals, and that’s why the herb is often used for the prevention of issues related to oxidative stress.

Managed Joint Pain and Inflammation

Fatty acids present in perilla are helpful most especially for people who are regularly bugged by achy and swollen joints. It’s for the fact that those beneficial fats support the joints, keeping them from becoming painful and inflamed. Supplementing with perilla may help those who are prone to arthritis as they can be saved from the need to regularly pop NSAIDs in their mouths, which are drugs known to carry all sorts of side effects and risks.

Controlled Depression and Anxiety

Scientists found out that certain compounds in perilla helped increase dopamine levels in the brain. In other words, the herb has the ability to manage mild cases of depression. Also, people with anxiety disorder can count on perilla to attain relief. Something as simple as inhaling the smell of perilla essential oil, which is obtained from the seeds of the herb, is said to help in lifting the mood as well as alleviating anxiety attacks.

Reduced Allergy Signs and Symptoms

Last but not least, perilla is known to lend a hand to people who are suffering from allergies. That’s because the herb is proven to help control the release of histamine in the body, which happens during exposure to allergens. Numerous studies have shown that perilla is indeed effective in controlling various allergy signs and symptoms, including itchy and watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing and even shortness of breath. 

CAUTION: There is no denying that perilla is a potent herb. However, just like when taking any other or any preparation containing herb, it’s a good idea for you to talk to your doctor about it first. This is especially true if you have an existing medical condition and are taking medications for it — certain compounds in perilla and other herbs may interfere with the action of the drugs you are taking. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should also avoid using perilla.

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