Here are the Top Reasons Why There’s Ringing in Your Ears

Do you hear ringing in your ears day and night which interferes with your everyday activities and keeping you from having a good night’s sleep? Keep on reading. Below you will come across some of the most common reasons why such annoying thing is around.

Make sure that you share this article on your various social media sites after checking it out so that your family and friends who have it, too, may get to know some of its causes.

Before we take a look at the probable culprits behind it, let’s get to know it briefly.

There is a medical term for ringing in the ears, and that’s tinnitus. Basically, it’s all about hearing a ringing sound that does not come from the environment. Despite of what everybody is calling it, ringing is not the only sound that may be perceived by the individual suffering from it. The sound may range anywhere from a quiet and steady hum, beating like a heart to running engines.

Getting tinnitus treated can be tricky as it can be due to many different things. Aside from the intake of medications for treating the underlying cause, the use of small devices as well as smart phone apps that give off white noise or nature sounds are common remedies for it.

Let’s now take a look at some of the things that can cause tinnitus:


There’s a type of hearing loss that is brought about by the process of aging, and it’s what ear experts call presbycusis. It usually strikes around the age of 60. Aside from loss of hearing, it’s not unlikely for presbycusis to also cause ringing in the ears.

Loud Noises

Does your work require you to use or be around machines or pieces of equipment that produce loud noises? Then it might be the one to blame for your tinnitus as a result of what’s known as noise-induced hearing loss. It’s something that you may suffer from, too, if you are fond of listening to music using headphones or attending loud concerts. Sometimes the resulting ringing in the ears is short-term, but in some cases it is long-term due to permanent hearing loss.

Nerve Damage

You hear when sound waves enter your ears and the signals are sent to the brain via the auditory nerves. Damage to the said nerves such as due to a trauma, an injury or certain neurologic diseases like multiple sclerosis can cause tinnitus. You may also hear ringing in your ears if a tumor near an auditory nerve is pressing against it.


Instead of a ringing sound, tinnitus that is due to hypertension or high blood pressure is characterized by a beating or pulsating sound. You can be certain that it is your blood pressure that can be blamed for your tinnitus if its existence coincides with a high blood pressure reading. Experts say that tinnitus due to hypertension can be triggered or exacerbated by stress and intake of caffeinated drinks.

Foods and Drinks

Speaking of caffeinated drinks, there are some foods and beverages that can increase your risk of experiencing a bout of tinnitus. Those that are rich in sugar, sodium and saturated fats are some of them. Coffee and caffeinated beverages can also cause ringing in the ears. Alcohol, most especially when taken excessively, can make tinnitus strike as well.


It’s common knowledge that certain medications can cause side effects. Some of them, prescription and OTC alike, are known to cause ringing in the ears. Antibiotics and antidepressants are some of those that are notorious for causing tinnitus.


It’s perfectly fine for you to have earwax because it actually helps shield your ears from damage. It’s a different story, however, if there’s too much of them around as such can affect your hearing. In fact, impacted earwax is one of the most common causes of ringing in the ears.

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