Do You Love Sugar? Then You’re at Risk of These Health Problems

It’s perfectly fine to please your sweet tooth from time to time. After all, who likes to be deprived of the simple joys in life? However, it’s a completely different story if you consider cookies, donuts, cupcakes and ice cream as major food groups. According to doctors, a diet that’s high in sugar (and carbohydrates, too) can put your health in grave danger.

So if you’re a self-confessed sugar addict, keep on reading. This article will get you introduced to the various health risks you may battle one day.

Got family and friends who cannot say no to sweet and starchy stuff? Then make sure that they get to read this article, too, by having it reposted on your various social media sites afterwards.

Weight Gain

It’s no secret that loading up on sweets is bad for the waistline. Some of the most calorie-packed treats on the face of the planet are those that are loaded with sugar. If you’re supplying your body with more calories than it needs, you will gain weight — end of story.

However, the problem brought about by being obese or overweight does not end with getting lots of attention in the wrong way. There are so many serious health dangers associated with having lots of excess pounds.

Heart Disease

Everyone knows that a diet that’s high in saturated fat and cholesterol can put the heart in grave danger. Unfortunately, not a lot of people are aware of the fact that consuming tons of sugary foods can also put the ticker in peril.

Doctors say that inflammation is something can cause heart disease to come into being, and sugar can cause inflammation to strike.


No one can deny that the consumption of sugary treats can easily put a smile on one’s face and make the day seem brighter. Sadly, numerous scientific investigations have shown that opting for a diet that’s high in sugar can increase a person’s risk of depression.

Experts say that it’s likely because of inflammation that sugar can bring — left uncontrolled, inflammation can cause an imbalance of chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin in the brain.


Health professionals say that inflammation can affect not only the heart and brain, but the immune system as well. Needless to say, being a sugar addict can cause your immune system to weaken considerably.

As a result of such, it’s likelier for you to end up more often with the common cold, cough, flu and other infections since disease-causing bacteria and viruses can attack your body without any trouble.


There’s another problem that inflammation tends to bring with it, and that’s increased risk of deadly cancer. So in other words, pleasing your sweet tooth without control may leave you battling cancer one day.

A diet that’s packed with sugar and carbohydrates, just like what’s mentioned earlier, can lead to unnecessary weight gain. Well, being obese or overweight is also a risk factor for cancer — excess fat cells in the body are actually capable of releasing cancer-causing hormones.

Type 2 Diabetes

It’s common knowledge that having high blood sugar levels is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, and nothing can make the levels of sugar in the bloodstream spike more than eating lots of sugar- and carbohydrate-rich foods.

The problem with type 2 diabetes is there’s no known cure for it — once you’re diagnosed with it, you have no choice but to deal with it for life. Poor management of your blood sugar can cause many type 2 diabetes complications to appear.


Sugar is loaded with calories, which means that stuffing your face with sugary stuff can boost your energy levels, right? Wrong, say experts! While it’s true that sugar can give you an instant dose of energy, it won’t take long before the levels of sugar in your blood drop, which is something that can leave you fatigued.

To make up for it, your body will churn out stress hormones to make sure that you have enough energy to make it through the day. Unfortunately, having lots of stress hormones around can leave you even more exhausted. It can also cause tremors, anxiety, irritability and heart palpitations.

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