Yeast Infection Causes, Symptoms, Home Remedies

Yeast infection, also called candidiasis, is a common infection caused by the fungus Candida. This infection presents signs and symptoms like swelling, intense itching, and irritation. The following are some details on the disease causes, signs and symptoms, and home remedies.


According to Health Line, yeast’s Candida genus acts as part of the normal flora in the vaginal area and its growth is monitored by the bacteria called lactobacilli. When the body becomes unstable, these bacteria cannot function efficiently; thus, yeast growth will be uncontrolled, causing the symptoms of the infection.

As per the publication, some conditions that may lead to overgrowth of Candida may include antibiotics, diabetes, pregnancy, poor eating habits, weak immune system, hormonal imbalances, stress, and lack of sleep.

Signs and Symptoms

Yeast infection presents a number of symptoms. According to Medicine Net, these include a vaginal discharge that is usually thick, odorless, and whitish-gray in color. Usually, the discharge is described to have a cottage-cheese-like consistency. As per the publication, other symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection also include irritation and burning, an intense itching of the genital or vaginal area, pain during sexual intercourse, pain or burning during urination, and irritation, redness, and/or soreness of the vagina or vulva.

Home Remedies

Antifungal medications are the drugs of choice of yeast infections or Candida; but then, home remedies can also be done to help manage the condition.


Since lactobacilli help regulate the growth of the Candida yeast, yogurt stands as one of the best remedies for yeast infections or Candida. According to Top 10 Home Remedies, lactobacillus acidophilus is a friendly bacterial strain that is found in yogurt and it helps control infection spread in the body. Using a plain and unsweetened yogurt, the person may externally apply it on the affected skin area and allow it to stay for at least 20 to 30 minutes or probably overnight, as it will aid reduce the itching sensation. Also, women can dip a tampon in yogurt and insert it in the vagina fr two hours. This can be done for two times a day. Yogurt can also be consumed as part of the diet.


Another remedy for yeast infections is oregano oil. According to Health Line, oregano is a source of carvacrol and thymol, which are potent antifungals. As per the journal “Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry,” as per the publication, it was revealed that wild oregano oil either delayed or halted the growth of Candida; however, the results were dependent to the dosage used. Supermarkets have the common oregano, with the scientific name Origanum marjoram. Also, oregano oil is a natural blood thinner, so it should not be used if the person is taking blood thinners or if he has issues on blood-clotting.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is another remedy for yeast infection. According to Prevention, animal studies have shown that the oil derived from tea tree leaves have antifungal properties. As per the publication, some women reported that their yeast infection was relieved following the insertion of a tampon doused in tea tree oil at night. However, a disadvantage is that it could be irritating to the vaginal area and one does not one to put something that might irritate an already irritated environment.

Yeast infections are not similar to stroke and cancer, but they spread in the body and cause some discomfort. Since it is an infectious disease, it can also be passed from one person to another. Thus, it is important to seek medical consult from a health professional for proper assessment, treatment, and health education.




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