Vitamin H: What is It and What are Its Sources?

Is this the first time you have come across vitamin H? Well, if you are very conscious with your health and beauty, it’s very much likely that you have already encountered this nutrient so many times in the past, although in a different name. Yes, vitamin H is usually referred to as something else, and it’s actually more common than you think.

Read on if you like to know more about vitamin H — the various wonderful things it does and its various food sources. After you are done checking out this article, kindly share it on your different social media accounts to have your family members and friends introduced to vitamin H as well!

One of the most interesting things about vitamin H is it’s actually a member of the large family of B vitamins — you know, like thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and cobalamin. As a part of such group, it is oftentimes referred to as biotin. Every B vitamin has a name bearing the letter “B” and a number, and vitamin H or biotin is called vitamin B7.

Vitamin H is commonly associated with beautifying the hair. In fact, it’s called as such as a way to celebrate its ability to beautify everyone’s mane. You see, the letter “H” in its name actually stands for either “haut” or “haar”, and it simply means “hair” in German. So in other words, vitamin H is vitamin for the hair.

This vitamin is revered for its ability to combat hair loss or hair thinning. In addition, it’s also known to fend off premature graying of hair. Because of the many hair benefits offered by vitamin H, there are lots and lots of products for the hair that contain biotin — ranging from hair-strengthening shampoos to hair growth-stimulating creams and gels.

However, it’s not just the hair that can be beautified with the help of vitamin H. Did you know that it’s also very good at keeping your skin looking beautiful and youthful? This is why there are tons of skincare products out there that have biotin in them. Some examples include anti-acne gels, psoriasis cream and lotions for dry skin.

It’s true that some of the most impressive capabilities of vitamin H have something to do with the hair and skin. However, doctors say that this nutrient which is actually a member of the B vitamins has so many other health benefits to offer. Some of the most remarkable ones include:

Regulated blood sugar levels

Diabetics and prediabetics alike can benefit a lot from vitamin H since it is capable of controlling the levels of sugar in the bloodstream. As a result, the many different complications of hyperglycemia (excessive sugar in the blood) can be prevented.

Accelerated metabolism

There are numerous weight loss supplements around that contain vitamin H. That’s because the said nutrient is known to speed up the metabolism, allowing for a more accelerated reduction of excess pounds. An increase in energy levels also results from such, and not just faster weight loss.

Reduced heart disease risk

One of the many risk factors for heart disease is having high bad cholesterol levels. If you are told by your doctor that your total blood cholesterol is abnormal, then you can consider vitamin H as your best friend because it’s proven to help in reducing bad cholesterol.

Optimized brain and nerve health

B vitamins are known for their ability to support brain and nerve health. Since vitamin H is actually a part of such family of nutrients, then it comes as no surprise why scientists say that you need to obtain good amounts of it to keep your nervous system in an excellent shape.

There are so many other benefits that vitamin H can offer. To enjoy all of them, make sure that you obtain enough of it via the diet. Some of the best food sources of this vitamin include:

Organ meats like liver and kidneys 

Beef, pork, chicken and fish 

Egg yolk 

Milk, cheese and butter 

Fruits like bananas and raspberries 

Nuts, nut butters and nut milks 


Whole wheat and whole wheat-based products

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