Tips on How to Do Clean Eating for Beginners

Clean eating has been bandied about recently, that many are starting to be curious as to what it is all about. Well, this diet is focusing more on healthier options like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fats, and proteins. It also means that you will be reducing your intake of foods that have additives, unhealthy fats, refined grains, sugar, as well as salt.

Although there are some clean eating plans that feel restrictive, if you are just starting out, there are a few tips that can help you transition from your current diet, to a clean and healthy diet. Here are a few that you should consider.

Get more fruits as well as vegetables

We are all guilty of not eating more vegetables and fruits on a daily basis. This needs to be changed if you plan on following a clean diet. There are numerous benefits to be gained when you load up on fruits and veggies such as reducing blood pressure, lower your risk of obesity, cancer, and heart disease, as well as protecting you from chronic diseases as well.

Add variety

It’s hard to cut back on processed foods like refined sugar, so instead of going cold turkey, why not add variety instead? Try using maple syrup, honey, or Stevia to your list of sweeteners so you can swap as needed. You can even use natural sweeteners when making treats for yourself and the family too.

Whole grain is important

Like it was mentioned before, clean eating focuses on whole foods and whole grain, which is the least processed, fits the bill. Think wild rice, quinoa, and oats that are minimally processed. However, be careful of products that are labeled as whole grains because some of them may not be true. The best way to identify the right one is to actually read the label and list of ingredients.


Another tip for you to consider when it comes to clean eating is to hydrate regularly. Most of us remember making our cup of coffee in the morning, but we are guilty of forgetting to drink water throughout the day. Unfortunately, this can leave us prone to dehydration which can trigger various health issues. Make it a point to drink water every few hours or more depending on how active you are. If you’ve been sweating a lot, then you will need to double your intake of water.

Reduce meat consumption

You don’t have to be a vegan to start with clean eating, but you can reduce your consumption of meat for starters. Reducing your consumption of meat can lower your risk of heart disease plus it will help keep your weight in check as well. In place of meat, adding more plant-based foods is highly recommended because they have vitamins, minerals, fiber, as well as healthy fats. Don’t worry about proteins because there are other sources to get them from such as dairy, eggs, nuts, and beans just to name a few.

Keep yourself fueled throughout the day

Switching to clean eating may leave you feeling a bit hungry, but rather than starve yourself, you should bring some healthy snacks with you instead. Think nuts, seeds, or salads even as they may help keep your hunger at bay while delivering a healthy dose of vitamins and mineral to your system.

As you can see, switching to clean eating doesn’t have to be that hard because there are several steps that can help you achieve your goal. Who knows? You may find it easier to stick with your new diet.

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