Tips on How to Choose Your Workout Music

Music has always been part of our day-to-day lives. It helps set the mood for us regardless of whether we are studying, while in transit, at work, and even when we work out. If you’ve been working out in the gym, most likely you’ve been seeing other gym goers with headphones strapped on their ears as they pump iron. Well, for them, music can act as a motivator when they workout.

The question you’re probably asking yourself is how to choose music to use when you exercise. Well, here are some tips to get you started.

  • Start with the right song. The first song on your playlist will help set the tempo for your workout so choose an upbeat or motivational song that will help you get started with warming up your muscles.
  • Keep up the encouragement. Another tip to choosing your music playlist for your training is to follow up your warm up song with another encouraging song that is a little bit fast paced. Choose songs that have catchy tunes so you can keep your energy levels up.
  • Mix your songs up. Fitness and music experts recommend that you mix your playlist up so that you won’t get bored with your choice of music. You can put your playlist on random to keep you guessing what’s next or you can look for songs that are pop, rock, dance, jazz or any other genre that you find amusing and upbeat.
  • Change the speed. If you are doing interval training then mix your fast songs with some slow ones. You can use your slow songs as your recovery music while the fast paced ones should prompt you to do as many reps as you can for a specific exercise. Keep in mind that when you say slowing down, it’s not just about your speed but your breath and the way your mind races.
  • Listen to the lyrics. There are some songs that are great motivational music especially when you listen to their lyrics. For example, Katy Perry’s “Roar” and Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” can help you go the extra mile especially when you’re ready to give up. It pays to add some songs that you can listen to that will trigger that burst of energy in you.
  • Finish strong. When choosing the last song for your playlist, make sure that this will be the best in your playlist as you need to finish strong. Keep in mind that you are in the final set where your muscles are already shaking from fatigue and your energy levels are on the brink of disappearing completely.
  • Make your playlist personal. If you are wondering what songs to add to your workout playlist, don’t forget to include songs that have a positive impact on your emotional well-being. This way, you can get more out of your workout whenever you hear a song that has a positive effect on you.




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