Signs You’re Having Too Much Fruits

According to health experts, it’s a good idea for you to add 2 to 4 servings of fruits to your everyday diet.

The consumption of fruits helps ensure that you get sufficient amounts of antioxidants, dietary fiber and all kinds of micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

If you think that eating more fruits than recommended will make you healthier than everyone else, think again — there are some downsides associated with having lots and lots of fruits daily.

Without any more ado, let’s take a look at some of the telltale signs that you are having too much fruits:

Unnecessary Gaining of Weight

Having the right amount of fruits can in fact encourage weight loss — their fiber content helps fend off food cravings as the said nutrient, which is actually a form of carbohydrates that your body cannot digest, is heavy on the stomach.

What’s more, dietary fiber helps to lower one’s risk of cardiovascular disease by encouraging lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Sadly, the addition of more fruits to your everyday diet than needed can easily lead to gaining of weight as they contain fructose, a type of sugar found in fruits. There’s no denying that fructose is a lot healthier than table or refined sugar, but too much of it can still cause your waistline to expand uncontrollably.

Cravings for Sugar

Another problem with fructose is that it’s just as addictive as sugar that you can find abundantly in all kinds of sweet-tasting treats. Meaning to say, the intake of lots of fruits may leave you wanting more of not only fruits but also foods that have sugar in them — ice cream, sundaes, cakes, muffins, brownies, milk chocolates!

It’s no secret that a diet that’s high in sugar can cause the waistline to expand and the smile to get ruined.

Too much sugar can also cause inflammation to take place inside the body, say scientists. You don’t want that to happen as inflammation is something that can put you at risk of winding up with some really serious health-related concerns such as heart attack, heart disease, stroke and even cancer.


There is another problem concerning fructose found in fruits, and that’s the fact that some people have a hard time digesting it in excessive amounts.

Such can certainly leave them experiencing abdominal distress. However, part of the aching of their belly can be blamed on bloating — such happens when bacteria present in the gut feast on fructose that the digestive tract isn’t able to process.

We all know how uncomfortable and embarrassing it is to have excess gas in the tummy!

IBS or Diarrhea

Short for irritable bowel syndrome, IBS may act up if a person who is suffering from it consumes fruits in excessive amounts.

Contrary to popular belief, a stomachache is not the only symptom of IBS. Excess gas, fatigue, stress, brain fog, joint pain, food sensitivities, alternating constipation and diarrhea — these are some of the other symptoms of IBS.

Speaking of diarrhea, it’s very much possible for you to wind up with loose stools if you eat too much fruits even without IBS. That’s because fiber absorbs lots of water, and this can leave you experiencing diarrhea.


There are instances in which you may wind up battling constipation rather than diarrhea if you include more fruits in your everyday diet than recommended by health experts.

It’s for the fact that fiber helps creates bulk, and this can lead to the formation of massive stools that are simply hard to pass. The likelihood of winding up with constipation increases if you are not drinking plenty of water a day and you are leading a sedentary lifestyle — both of which are risk factors for constipation.

Unripe fruits are notorious for causing constipation due to their high-fiber and low-water content.

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