What You Need to Know About Brain Fog

Brain fog is a loosely definted illness that is not really recognized as a medical or even a psychological condition. Unfortunately, brain fog affects a lot of people with most of them reporting the feeling of spacing out or being detached to their surroundings, lacking concentration, focus, and even become mentally confused at times. There are other symptoms associated with this unknown ailment such as reduced attention span, short-term memory loss, and forgetfulness even.

There are many theories as to how brain fog occurs with experts leaning towards lack of sleep and stress. It is also possible that autoimmune diseases can trigger this problem as well while hormonal changes in women can cause brain fog to descend on them. The question now is, how will you be able to clear your head?

  • Schedule an appointment with your doctor. Before you embark on any lifestyle changes, make sure that you talk to your doctor first if you suspect that you have brain fog. Your doctor can conduct tests to determine if there are no underlying illnesses that are triggering the symptoms of brain fog.
  • Choose colorful ingredients. Another tip to combating brain fog in the morning is to choose colorful ingredients when preparing your breakfast. Think matcha, beets, berries, and the like as they are not only good to look at but they can deliver a host of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients that will keep your energy levels up and your cognitive function running smoothly.
  • Clean your diet. If a typical meal consists of processed foods, soda, and even sweets then you need to rethink the foods that you are putting inside your body. For one thing, processed foods are high in sodium content as well as trans fats that can wreak havoc to your health not to mention trigger those sudden spacing out moments. A better option would be to clean up your diet by adding more fruits, vegetables, lean meat, whole grains, seeds, and nuts to enhance your cognitive function, improve digestion, and boost your cardiovascular system.
  • Add grains. Another suggestion to combating brain fog is to add grains to your diet like spelt, rye, oats, rice, amaranth, and buckwheat because they are high in fiber, can add texture to your meals, and resist the presence of starch in your system. Adding grains also means that you will be able to satisfy your hunger easily and even keep your energy levels steady throughout the morning.
  • Consume healthy fats. Brain fog may be triggered because your cholesterol levels are high. If this is the case, then you need to take steps to lower your cholesterol to help make you more alert and aware of your surroundings. Fortunately, there are plenty of sources of omega-3s, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fats such as spinach, avocados, olives, and the like. Adding these to your diet can help boost blood flow which can protect you against heart problems and poor mental clarity.

Brain fog can disrupt your day-to-day activities but with the tips mentioned above, you can prevent it from occurring. All that you have to do is to start taking control of the food that you are eating, and start living a healthier life.



Sources: relizen.com

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