How to Determine Nutrient Deficiency on Your Own

Our body needs vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients for it to function well. But with the kind of diet that we follow nowadays, there is a huge chance that we are missing out on some that is affecting our overall health. The problem, however, is that we are not really aware that we are experiencing nutrient deficiency already because, let’s face it, we are not really conscious about the effects of the food that we eat.

How will you know if you are suffering from nutrition deficiency? Here are a few signs that you should watch out for.

Ulcers in the mouth

When you are prone to lesions appearing in as well as around your mouth, there is a possibility that you are missing out on certain vitamins or even minerals for that matter. Canker sores can appear when you are suffering low levels of B vitamins or iron. Fortunately, this can be rectified when you add legumes, poultry, dark leafy greens, as well as seeds in your diet.

Dandruff and scaly patches on scalp

Another possible sign that you are missing out on some much-needed nutrients is the appearance of dandruff or experiencing seborrheic dermatitis. These two skin conditions appear as dry, flaking, and itchy skin where dandruff is simply limited to the scalp, while seborrheic dermatitis can affect the face, armpits, upper chest, as well as the groin.


Lack of sufficient amounts of iodine can lead to hypothyroidism where your thyroid glands swell up. Go for seafoods, sea salt, and even seaweed to help raise your iodine levels naturally.

Restless leg syndrome

Also referred to as Willis-Ekbom disease, it is a type of nerve condition where there are some uncomfortable or even unpleasant sensations being felt in the legs with the need to move them constantly. Although what caused RLS in the first place is still being studied, it appears that it may have some link to low iron levels in the blood. Eating foods that are high in iron content, such as poultry, nuts, dark leafy greens, whole grains, and seeds can help increase your iron, and to make the absorption work better, combine it with foods that are high in vitamin C as well.

Brittle nails and hair

There are several reasons why your hair and nails become brittle such as lack of biotin or excessive use of antibiotics. Although being low in biotin happens rarely, when it does, it can make your hair and nails prone to splitting. Other symptoms include muscle pain, chronic fatigue, tingling sensation in the hands and feet, as well as cramps. Pregnant women, heavy drinkers, and even chain smokers are prone to this condition. Adding foods like fish, nuts, spinach, sweet potatoes, organ meats, and nuts can help increase the levels of biotin in your system.

Bleeding gums

If you notice that your gums are bleeding when you brush your teeth, it may be that you are missing out on your much-needed dose of vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential in promoting healing as well as enhancing one’s immune levels, and can even function as an antioxidant that protect you from cell damage. Since the body cannot produce vitamin C on its own, you will need to look for other sources of this vitamin. Adding more fresh fruits as well as vegetables to your diet can contribute to bringing your vitamin C levels up.

Chicken skin

Those small bumps on the back of your upper arms can appear because of lack of essential fatty acids in your system. Eating wild caught fish is one of the best sources of essential fatty acids which you should have at least twice a week.

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