Herbal Teas That Help Regulate Blood Pressure

Did you know that the number one killer across the globe is heart disease? One of the things that can increase your risk of having it is high blood pressure. This article will get you acquainted with some herbal teas that are scientifically-proven to help in regulating your blood pressure. Read on!

Some of these herbal teas that are known to help lower high blood pressure work by flooding the body with antioxidants, while others deliver by combating inflammation and high bad cholesterol levels.

Especially when you pair the consumption of these herbal teas with healthy eating habits (i.e. a diet that contains plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and less sugary and fatty stuff) and regular exercise, they can effectively do their share in keeping your blood pressure from going off the charts. And also, it’s very important for you to lower your stress levels, drink alcohol in moderation and steer clear of cigarette smoking.

Are you excited to brew yourself a cup of herbal tea that can help in keeping high blood pressure at bay? Then continue reading and see which of these you can make and consume on a regular basis:

Ginger Tea

Something as very common as ginger tea is actually very good at combating high blood pressure. This well-known home remedy for nausea, indigestion and acid reflux works effectively by controlling inflammation.

Turmeric Tea

Related to ginger, turmeric is also known as a powerful fighter of inflammation. It’s exactly for this reason why taking it in tea form can help in warding off high blood pressure, too. You may also rely on a freshly-brewed cup of turmeric tea whenever you are being bugged by muscles and joints that are swollen and achy.

Hibiscus Tea

Lots of traditional healers recommend the intake of hibiscus tea in controlling high blood pressure. Numerous scientific investigations found out that this herbal tea is particularly effective for lowering one’s systolic blood pressure — the top number on a blood pressure reading.

Ginkgo Biloba Tea

What makes ginkgo biloba tea a powerful all-natural remedy for high blood pressure is the fact that it can cause the blood vessels to widen or dilate. As a result, blood can flow through the blood vessels more efficiently, resulting in a normal blood pressure.  By the way, this herbal tea is also revered for its wonderful effects on the brain.

Basil Tea

Do you love lots of Italian and Mediterranean treats because of basil? Then you are not going to have a hard time making basil tea a part of your life. Including it in your diet is a good idea most especially if you are hypertensive because it’s proven to have blood pressure-lowering properties.

Lavender Tea

If it’s your very busy day-to-day living that is making your blood pressure soar, then it’s a good idea for you to have a cup of lavender tea regularly. It’s for the fact that it’s something that can help you relax, thus allowing your blood pressure to stay within the normal range.

Cinnamon Tea

There are instances in which high blood pressure is brought about by diabetes. If you are diabetic and you’re told to be hypertensive, then consider drinking cinnamon tea on a regular basis. Not only will this help lower your blood pressure, but also normalize the levels of sugar in your bloodstream.

Feel free to share this article online to let your family members and friends who have high blood pressure know which herbal teas they could take to help in regulating their blood pressure.

CAUTION: Always consult your doctor if you are planning on using herbal teas for any therapeutic purpose. This is most especially true if you are diagnosed with hypertension and currently taking blood pressure medications for its management. Also, ask your doctor about taking these herbal teas if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

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