Got a Pounding Heart? Here are the Common Causes

The name says it all — a pounding heart is usually described as a very powerful or strong pulse. Also sometimes referred to as a bounding pulse, it can be something so unnerving most especially for someone who has no idea on the various reasons behind it.

Well, sometimes a pounding heart can be due to something that’s not serious and also temporary only. But then there are instances in which it can be due to a serious matter that needs to be diagnosed and treated. If you like to know some of the causes of a pounding heart, keep on reading. Below you will come across some of the most common ones.

But before you proceed, let’s get one thing straight first: none of the details below should be used as a replacement for professional medical advice that you can obtain only from a doctor or any other qualified health provider.

Being Out of Shape

One of the most common causes of a pounding heart is being in a terrible physical shape. Engaging in very simple everyday activities such as sweeping the floor or climbing the stairs is enough to leave your heart beating very strongly. Getting in shape by eating healthily and exercising regularly is a great idea.

Intense Exercise

Speaking of exercise, it’s also something that can be blamed for a pounding heart. Such can be expected most especially during and immediately after working out as your muscles are clamoring for lots and lots of oxygenated blood.


Being stressed can certainly leave your pulse seem like it’s bounding. You can put the blame on having high levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline in your bloodstream. Relaxing your mind and body can help make a pounding heart due to stress go away in no time.

Anxiety and Panic Attacks

If you are diagnosed with anxiety or panic disorder, you can expect to have a pounding heart during an attack. And the more you get scared of the various mental and physical symptoms such as a sense of impending doom, dizziness, chest tightness and shortness of breath, your heart pounds even stronger.


Do you have a cold or the flu? Then don’t be surprised if it seems like your heart is pounding — it’s just trying to divert more oxygen and also immune cells to the affected organs. Medications you usually pop in your mouth during a bout of an upper respiratory tract infection can also make your heart pump harder and faster.


Simply put, anemia is a blood condition in which there are not enough red blood cells or RBCs that are able to take oxygen molecules from the lungs to your various cells and tissues. In order to make up for the lack of RBCs, your heart has to work harder to ensure that your entire body remains properly oxygenated.


Your thyroid is a gland situated in your neck, and it’s the one that regulates your metabolism. An overactive thyroid, which is a condition referred to by doctors as hyperthyroidism, can cause your metabolism to run at a much faster rate, and this can leave you with a bounding pulse.

There are cases in which a pounding heart can be caused by a problem that has something to do with the heart. Some common examples of those are hypertension, heart failure and aortic valve insufficiency. Needless to say, it’s a good idea to pay a cardiologist a visit so that the underlying cause can be identified and also treated.

Feel free to share this article on your various social media sites before you go — some of your family members and friends may also be experiencing a pounding heart from time to time.

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