Get to Know the Most Common Springtime Illnesses

Most people breathe a sigh of relief each time the snow begins to thaw and the leaves begin to grow. Such is a confirmation that winter is through and spring is here.

Springtime ushers longer days and more fun activities outdoors. Unfortunately, it also tends to bring with it certain illnesses that can easily affect those who like to partake in all kinds of pursuits outside the home, do not wash their hands frequently, and are not fond of regularly consuming well-balanced meals so important for strengthening the immune system.

It’s definitely a good idea for you to be prepared to keep springtime from going to waste.

Below you will come across some of the most common health problems that tend to strike during spring. Don’t forget to repost this article so that your family and friends may get to check them out, too.

The Common Cold

Everyone knows that it’s very common to end up with the common cold during winter. Unfortunately, not a lot of people are aware of the fact that it’s not uncommon for them to also end up with it in spring.

According to health authorities, it is actually in spring and autumn when rhinoviruses, which are deemed responsible for up to 50 percent of all cases of the common cold, are everywhere. Unlike bacteria, viruses have no problem with thriving outside the human body for a while, and that’s why they can easily spread from person to person.

Make sure that you frequently wash your hands. It’s a good idea for you to wear a surgical mask each time you’re in public — or even at home for as long as someone is coughing or sneezing.

Lyme Disease

Just like most human beings, deer ticks prefer some warmth and sun compared to frigid weathers. It’s exactly for this reason why Lyme disease cases tend to rise during springtime.

No one can blame you for wanting to engage in fun outdoor activities as soon as wintertime is over. However, make sure that you do everything necessary to fend off Lyme disease such as applying tick repellant, staying away from tall vegetation and checking for the presence of deer ticks — remove them with a pair of tweezers ASAP!

If you believe that you have the signs and symptoms of Lyme disease, see your doctor right away — treatment for it is more effective the earlier it’s begun.

Seasonal Allergies

The fragrance of flowers fills the air once more when springtime strikes. Unfortunately, it’s not just their sweet odors that they release but also pollen, which spells disaster for individuals who have allergies. Rain is not uncommon during spring, and this can pave the way for mold formation — another terrible news!

Fortunately, spring allergies can be easily managed with the help of medications. With them, springtime can be filled with happy memories instead of nightmarish ones.

Doctors say that allergy medicines can impress more if their components are already in your system before you are exposed to allergens. They recommend for you to start taking them two weeks in advance.


Unfortunately, not all people can celebrate once springtime is here. Some of them are people who suffer from asthma — just like winter, spring can also make them prone to having asthma attacks.

The reason for such is pretty much the same for high incidence of seasonal allergies. During spring, there are simply so many irritants in the air that can cause asthma to flare up. They range anywhere from pollen, insect repellants to fertilizers. Changes in air temperatures are also terrible news for individuals who have asthma!

Staying indoors, sadly, is not the perfect solution — spring cleaning exposes an asthma suffer to dust, dirt and noxious smells and fumes of common household cleaning products.

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