Get to Know Allulose, a New Type of Natural Sweetener

Are you currently on the hunt for a substitute for table sugar as well as artificial sweeteners associated with all kinds of health risks such as obesity, diabetes and certain forms of cancer? This article will get you introduced to a natural type of sweetener, and it’s called allulose.

But before you proceed, don’t forget to repost this article later on so that your figure- and health-conscious family members and friends may also get acquainted with this very promising alternative to table sugar as well as other forms of sweeteners out there.

What is It?

Allulose is a relative newcomer in the fight against obesity, diabetes and many other problems that have something to do with the addition of excessive amounts of sugar in the diet — it’s just recently that it received the approval of the FDA.

Unlike most substitutes to table sugar, allulose is completely natural. In fact, it is present in a number of foods such as raisins, figs and wheat.

It’s the fact that it is 100 percent from nature that makes it highly appealing most especially among consumers who are conscious about their health — without the presence of chemicals, it’s less likely to cause problems along the way.

Just Like the Real Thing

One of the nicest things about allulose is it comes very close to table sugar physically and taste-wise. It looks and feels like it, and it also tastes like it — experts say that it’s about 70 percent as sweet as the real thing, which makes it similar to another well-known sweetener called erythritol.

Due to the fact that it’s pretty much just like table sugar, it yields no bitter aftertaste just like most other artificial sweeteners, in particular those that activate not only the sweet taste receptors of your tongue but also the bitter taste receptors.

Much is Excreted

Table sugar is actually from nature, although it’s regarded as unhealthy because of the processing involved. Since allulose is also from nature, it has the same chemical formula just like table sugar but the molecules are arranged in a completely different manner.

It’s for this reason exactly why majority of allulose that you include in your diet is said to be flushed out of your body by means of your urine. Although up to 84 percent of the allulose you consume is absorbed by the body, a large portion of it is unused and peed out.

This is the reason why it is very promising most especially for people who are suffering from diabetes. Because much of allulose is simply removed from the body, the levels of sugar in the bloodstream can be kept within the normal range trouble-free.

Very Low in Calories

Allulose may look, feel and taste like table sugar, but the fact is it contains much less calories than the real deal. According to scientists, every serving of allulose contains only 1/10th of the calories found in the same amount of table sugar.

Needless to say, allulose is highly suited for people who are trying to cut back on their daily caloric intake in order to shed off excess pounds or keep their ideal weight intact.

More Studies Need to be Done

Currently, it seems like allulose is the perfect replacement not only for table sugar but other artificial sweeteners currently available on the market. It’s just like table sugar in terms of its appearance and taste, but it does not come with the health nightmares associated with the use of table sugar.

Because it’s just been recently approved by the FDA, there’s not enough scientific investigations conducted about its potential impact on the health especially when it’s used for a long time. But based on currently-existing data, it seems like allulose is the perfect sweetener around.

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