Fruit Juice Vs. Vegetable Juice: Which is Better for You?

Compared to coffee, soda and alcoholic beverages, there’s no denying that fruit juice and vegetable juice are healthier. But have you ever wondered which one of the two is better for you?

According to health authorities, both fruit juice and vegetable juice are healthy. After all, they’re from sources several servings of which are highly encouraged by nutritionists to be added to one’s daily diet. Unfortunately, it’s not really a good idea to consume nothing but fruit juice and vegetable juice even though not too long ago their sole intake boomed in popularity, which doctors discouraged everyone from doing.

Fruit juice is loaded with antioxidants that fight off free radicals before they have the opportunity to damage healthy cells of the body and cause an assortment of health problems to come into being. It’s also teeming with vitamins and minerals, all of which are necessitated by the body for it to remain functioning as well as healthy.

Unfortunately, there are a few matters about fruit juice that one must bear in mind always:

  • It is extremely rich in sugar. Even though it’s true that the sugar it contains is not the refined kind, it’s still sugar — it can cause the levels of sugar in the bloodstream to rise. This means that fruit juice can be disadvantageous for anyone who is suffering from diabetes, especially if lots of it is consumed. Health authorities highly recommend especially diabetics to take fruit juice in moderation only.
  • It’s not the perfect breakfast. While fruit juice can supply the body with an assortment of nutrients, it’s lacking in protein that can help provide the individual with stable energy throughout the day. This only means that having nothing but fruit juice at the start of the day is terrible news for very active individuals as well as those who are trying to get rid of excess pounds.

On the other hand, vegetable juice is very low in sugar. Depending on the vegetable juice, a serving of it can in fact be completely devoid of sugar. This means that it’s ideal for individuals who wish to enjoy a healthy serving of juice without having to worry about their blood sugar levels or weight.

But just like fruit juice, there are some important things about vegetable juice everyone should know about:

  • It’s no longer rich in fiber. One of the primary reasons why nutrition experts are highly recommending everyone to add multiple servings of vegetables to their diet is the fact that they’re loaded with fiber that’s needed to prevent constipation, lower the blood sugar and fend off heart disease. Sadly, vegetable juice is no longer packed with fiber, unless the pulp is thrown back into the beverage.
  • It does not provide enough calories. Just like what’s mentioned earlier, vegetable juice is nothing like fruit juice as it is low in or devoid of sugar. While it has some benefits, it also comes with downsides — it cannot provide the individual with the energy he or she needs to survive a very busy day. It’s true that it supplies the body with loads of vitamins and minerals, but not enough energy.

It’s because of the cons associated with fruit juice and vegetable juice why doctors strongly advice everyone against consuming nothing but fruit juice or vegetable juice.

What they encourage everyone to do instead is make fruit juice and vegetable juice part of a healthy diet. Definitely, having a serving or two of them per day helps ensure that the body is getting all of the vitamins and minerals it needs. Thanks to their rich water content, fruit juice and vegetable juice also help ward off dehydration.

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