Which Foods are Best for Cleansing

Cleansing your body from all the toxins that it contains is important if you want to boost your overall health. The best approach to cleaning your insides is through the food that you eat. You might be surprised to find that some of your favorite foods are actually perfect in detoxifying your body. If you want to cleanse your insides so your organs can work more efficiently.

Here are some foods that you should add to your diet.

Avocados. Not everyone sees avocados as a source for detoxifying the body but they are actually quite efficient in this aspect. What’s great about this fruit is that it helps dilate blood vessels, reduces cholesterol levels, and prevents toxins from blocking the arteries. Avocados contain glutathione which can aid the liver in getting rid of toxins while at the same time hinder thirty different types of carcinogens from wreaking havoc in our body.

Cayenne. Aside from giving your dish a little more heat, cayenne can also help with cleansing your body. Known as a mucus dissolver, cayenne can get rid of any mucus build-up in your system. The combination of stomach acid and mucus is essential in digestion and cayenne can help prevent indigestion when consumed.

Blueberries. This fruit definitely falls under this category. Blueberries are perfect for cleansing because they have natural aspirin properties that prevent damage to the cells caused by inflammation while minimizing the pain. They are also known to prevent urinary tract infection. And to cap it off, blueberries have antiviral compounds that keep toxins away from the brain.

Probiotics. Another possible choice when it comes to cleansing is consuming probiotics from foods such as plain yogurt, sauerkraut, and kefir. The probiotics present in these foods can help keep the gut flora in your stomach healthy. You can take probiotic supplements if you like but it is much better to go direct to the source.

Garlic. Aside from making your meals smell good, garlic is also effective in getting rid of parasites, bacteria, and other viruses in our body particularly around the intestines and blood. It is also effective in getting rid of any blockages in the arteries while the antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties can prevent other health issues from arising. Garlic can also get rid of any mucus build-up in the respiratory tract which is a plus when including this ingredient in your meals.

Chia seeds. When it comes to cleansing your gut, chia seeds are your friend. Soaking these seeds in water for 15 minutes can transform them into jelly like substances which can help get rid of any toxins in the gut so you will have better bowel movement. Aside from this, chia seeds contain anti-inflammatories as well as omega-3 fatty acids that are good for your heart. You can mix the seeds with your favorite pudding or add some to a glass of water then drink it.

These are just some examples of foods that are perfect for cleansing your system. If you want to detoxify your body, you won’t make any mistake in choosing any of these foods.










Source: healthylnb.com

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