Facts You Need to Know About a Hammer Toe

Other than being unsightly, a hammer toe can also cause discomfort each time you walk or run. Attempting to move the affected toe or the ones right next to it can leave you in a great deal of pain, too. A mild case of hammer toe can be corrected or prevented from worsening with a few simple lifestyle changes such as switching to shoes that fit properly. However, a severe case of it often warrants surgical repair, especially if it’s keeping you from having a normal life.

In this article, you will learn about some of the most important things about a hammer toe, such as the reasons behind it, its various signs and symptoms, and what you can do about it. Don’t forget to repost this afterwards on your various social media accounts to get your family and friends also acquainted with the foot condition.


Health authorities say that a hammer toe comes into being when the middle joint of your toe (every toe of yours has two joints, the middle and bottom) becomes bent downwards.

There are a handful of reasons why the middle joint of the toe can become abnormally flexed. One of the most common one is a foot injury that involves the toe. Someone who is suffering from arthritis is at risk of winding up with a hammer toe. If you have a bunion, then there is also a possibility for a hammer toe to develop one day.

Do you like wearing flashy or trendy shoes that do not provide comfort as well as enough room for all of your toes as they fit badly? Then you are at higher risk of having a hammer toe than everybody else.

According to foot experts, it’s possible for hammer toe to run in families, which means that you could end up with it if a relative of yours complains about it. In fact, having a high foot arch can considerably increase your chance of having a hammer toe.

Signs and Symptoms

Just like what’s mentioned earlier in this article, a hammer toe causes the affected toe to appear perpetually bent. Such can rob you of the ability to wiggle, flex or stretch it. And if you try to do any of those, you are sure to feel discomfort. Walking or running can come with pain.

It’s very much possible for corns or calluses to form on the toe since putting on shoes, most especially tight ones, can cause it to rub or press against footwear. At times blisters may also form.


A doctor will consider the severity of the hammer toe as well as the signs and symptoms encountered. Mild cases of hammer toe can be managed through some all natural remedies, while severe cases of it usually require surgery in order to eliminate pain and restore movement of the toe.

Definitely, putting on shoes that fit properly is something that you should do if your hammer toe is brought about by your fondness of wearing poorly fitting shoes, such as those that are pointy. If the cause of the problem is a high foot ach, the use of insoles is recommended.

It’s possible for corns and calluses to form on the affected toe, too. Luckily, those can be managed rather easily with the use of OTC pads, cushions and topical medications.

Experts say that inability to move the toe cannot be dealt with naturally. Such can only be corrected by undergoing the knife. Surgery can help in restoring proper alignment of the tendons and joints. The good news is surgical treatment for a hammer toe is commonly done on an outpatient basis, allowing you to go home on the same day as the treatment.

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