Everyday Items You Should Never Share

They say that sharing is caring. But if you really, really care about your health, it’s a good idea for you to refrain from sharing certain things, most especially those that are highly personal.

If your goal is to live a long, happy and healthy life, then consider being selfish if really necessary. Below you will come across some everyday items that you should avoid sharing with everyone.

After checking out the entirety of this article, feel free to repost it on your various social media sites so that your health-conscious family and friends may know, too, that the following should never be shared:

A Bar of Soap

Refrain from assuming that your favorite bar of soap is capable of zapping any microbe that comes into contact with it. Soap may help clean your body, but the fact is that it’s not capable of cleaning itself.

As a matter of fact, according to a study conducted at the University of Florida football players who shared soap in the shower had higher risk of MRSA infection than those who didn’t share.


After soaping and rinsing your body, you reach for a towel to dry up. Just make sure that the towel you are about to use from head to foot is not borrowed. Otherwise, you’re at risk of having all kinds of infections.

Health authorities say that towel sharing can easily spread anything from conjunctivitis (pink eye) to gonorrhea. It goes without saying that if you’re planning on showering elsewhere, bring a towel.


Most deodorants do not only deodorize by masking nasty odors — some have antimicrobial properties that enable them to get rid of odor-causing bacteria that proliferate when things get warm and moist.

But despite of this, it’s a terrible idea for you to share your deodorant to someone else or vice versa. It’s possible for contaminated skin and hair cells that can start an infection to move from armpit to armpit.

Water Bottle

Everyone needs to drink approximately 2 liters of water per day in order to keep the body hydrated. This is why carrying a water bottle with you wherever you go helps ensure that you can rehydrate as needed.

However, refrain from sharing your water bottle with someone else even if you have more than enough. That’s because it can cause you to swap saliva with the other person and potentially end up sick.


Just like water bottle sharing, sharing a toothbrush can also cause one’s infection-causing bacteria to invade another person’s body. Indeed, using someone else’s toothbrush can give you a reason to not smile.

According to experts, using a toothbrush other than yours can potentially leave you with a blood-borne disease — it’s actually possible for the use of a contaminated toothbrush to introduce microbes into your bloodstream.


Speaking of blood-borne diseases, you can actually end up with anything from a certain type of hepatitis to HIV if you happen to borrow and use the razor of someone whose health status is highly questionable.

And even if the razor you are about to use is guaranteed to have not come into contact with the other person’s blood, using it is already enough for you to pick up all sorts of skin issues such as ringworm.

Nail Clippers

It’s not just ringworm that you may end up with if you’re someone who likes to borrow another person’s personal item, but also many other types of fungal infections such as the dreaded nail fungus.

This is particularly true if you use the nail clipper of an individual who is secretly suffering from it. And by the way, it’s very much possible for sharing of nail clippers to leave you with a blood-borne disease especially if there’s clipping of the skin.

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