Common Causes of Nighttime Coughing

The problem with nighttime coughing is that it can keep you from having 7 to 9 hours of rejuvenating sleep that’s uninterrupted, which is vital for your optimum physical and mental health.

Coughing at night can be blamed on so many different things — they can range anywhere from something that’s short-term and will go away on its own (such as the common cold) to a medical condition that tends to stay around for life (such as chronic bronchitis).

If you are constantly deprived of much-needed sleep because you are coughing like a dog at night, keep on reading. This article will tell you some of the most common causes of nighttime coughing.

Just remember that none of the things mentioned below should be considered as a professional medical advice — it’s something that can only come from your trusted health care provider. And also, feel free to repost this article later on so that everyone you care about may also know that coughing at night can be due to any of the following:

Cigarette Smoking

Are you a cigarette smoker? Then don’t be surprised if nightly you are having a difficult time getting to dreamland because of coughing. What you are experiencing is called smoker’s cough especially if it’s around for longer than 3 weeks.

Health experts say that it’s basically your body trying to eliminate all of the poisonous substances and irritating chemicals that cigarette smoking pumps down your respiratory tract each time.

The good news is that smoker’s cough tends to improve after some time once you quit.

Aside from putting an end to your smoker’s cough, there are so many other benefits to enjoy for turning your back on cigarette smoking, and they include lowered risk of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease.


In some instances, nighttime coughing can be blamed on postnasal drip, something that can stem from allergies.

Needless to say, having an allergy attack can leave you coughing all night long unless you pop into your mouth your trusted OTC antihistamine or the one that’s prescribed to you by a doctor.

Knowing the triggers and avoiding them, too, is certainly a wonderful idea.

The Common Cold or Flu

It’s not unlikely for you to suffer from nighttime coughing if you have the common cold, flu or any other infection of the upper respiratory tract — coughing is just one of the many different symptoms.

Worry not if you cannot get a good night’s sleep due to incessant coughing at night as there are many home remedies that you may give a try in order to attain relief and ultimately sufficient Z’s. Some of them include drinking plenty of fluids, consuming ginger tea, inhaling steam and gargling with warm salt water.

Taking your preferred OTC cough medications may be done, too.

Acid Reflux or GERD

Sometimes acid that escapes the stomach can irritate the throat. Since acid reflux tends to worsen at night, it’s not unlikely for you to experience nighttime coughing most especially if you are not managing your acid reflux well.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD is just like acid reflux, but more severe.

To put acid reflux or GERD under control, a doctor may prescribe certain medications such as proton-pump inhibitors or PPIs and antacids. There are also some lifestyle and dietary changes that have to be done.

COPD or Asthma

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease — this is what COPD stands for.

Actually, COPD is a term used by doctors to refer to all kinds of respiratory conditions that are long-term, and they include emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Sometimes asthma is considered as another form of COPD, but health authorities confirm that it is an entirely different problem regarding the respiratory system.

In order to put COPD and asthma under control, there are medications that have to be administered.

Doing some lifestyle changes is one of the most important steps that need to be taken. For instance, someone with COPD should refrain from smoking and someone who suffers from asthma should steer clear of known triggers.

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