Common Causes of Nightmares

It’s common knowledge that kids are very prone to having nightmares mainly because of their very creative and highly active imaginations. But just because you are no longer a tot doesn’t mean that you are impervious to having terrifying dreams — adults could have nightmares, too.

According to experts, nightmares in adults could be triggered by a lot of things. So if it seems like lately you are having all sorts of terrifying dreams while you’re taking a trip to dreamland, keep on reading. This article will get you acquainted to some of the most common causes of nightmares.

Got family members and friends who say that they are having nightmares as of late? Then make sure that you share this article on your different social media sites later on so that they, too, may learn that their nightmares could be due to any of the following:

Late Night Meals

Are you fond of having a hearty meal just before hopping into bed? Then don’t be surprised if it seems like you are constantly having nightmares. Eating a lot before bedtime can cause the metabolic rate to accelerate, and this can leave you with a very active mind while you’re in dreamland.

Studies have shown that foods that tend to trigger nightmares the most are those that are spicy and greasy. Junk and processed foods can be blamed, too.

If your reason for eating at bedtime is to encourage a good night’s sleep, skip having a square meal. Instead, opt for a light snack that can keep your stomach from grumbling and fend off sleeplessness.

Lack of Sleep

Speaking of sleeplessness, experts confirm that failure to enjoy 7 to 9 hours of restorative sleep per night can in fact leave you having nightmares the following night, which is something that can leave you sleep deprived and thus more susceptible to having nightmares.

Definitely, it could create a vicious cycle that you may have a hard time breaking — the more you are sleep deprived, the more nightmares you end up encountering.

Make sure that you do anything and everything you could in order to enjoy sufficient amounts of Z’s at night. There are so many home remedies available for insomnia, ranging from having a piece of banana, taking a whiff of jasmine essential oil to drinking a glass of warm milk.

Too Much Stress

If your day is very stressful, then you can expect for your nights to be stressful as well because of nightmares. Experts say that going to bed with elevated stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline in your bloodstream leaves your risk of having nightmares increased.

The problem with going to bed stressed is that it can keep you from enjoying enough shut-eye, which is something that can keep you from having reduced stress.

At the end of a particularly tiring and exhausting day, make sure that you devote enough time to doing some stress-busting activities. There are so many to choose from — doing yoga, having a cup of chamomile tea, reading a book, listening to music, getting a massage and taking a relaxing bath are just a few examples.

Anxiety and Depression

Mental health experts say that having lots of anxious or depressing thoughts can keep you from falling asleep. And if you’re lucky enough to get some sleep, it’s likely for it to be filled with nightmares, which can keep it from being one that’s satisfying and restorative.

Needless to say, it’s a good idea for you to identify the things that are leaving you anxious or depressed so that you may be able to deal with them accordingly.

Seeking the assistance of a mental health expert like a therapist or counselor is definitely a good idea most especially if your anxiety or depression is already preventing you from having a normal life, such as it’s already keeping you from having nights that are free of nightmares.

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