Best Dinner for Babies

At the end of a particularly long and tiring day, you just want to hop into bed and take a trip to dreamland. But then you remember that there’s a baby that you have to feed.

It’s important to provide your little one with something that will give him or her all the nutrients necessary to bounce back from an activity-filled day. In addition, you need to prepare something delicious that won’t take up much of your available time and remaining energy.

Running out of ideas to give your baby for supper? Then you’re in the right place and at the right time — below you will come across some superb dinner ideas for baby that are easy to prepare. So read on!

Yellow Split Peas

Yellow split peas are just green peas in denial ­— they’re dried, yellowed and split in half. Boiling them in water until they’re mushy enough to be mashed with a fork (or food processor if you’re feeling ambitious) makes for the perfect dinnertime treat for your little angel — it’s packed with fiber, protein and various micronutrients.

Rice With Green Peas

We all know that rice is so filling. However, no one can deny that it’s so boring. To make rice something so delightful for a baby to eat, simply mash it together with cooked green peas. Whipping up this treat helps make sure that your baby is supplied with all the fiber he or she needs for a healthy GI tract.

Broken Wheat

Other than rice, there’s a fiber-packed dinner that you may also give your baby, and that’s broken wheat. Cooking it according to package directions helps ensure that your baby can enjoy something so hearty. Tossing some minced chicken breast into the mix can save you from having to wake up in the middle of the night because your baby’s hungry.

Pumpkin Soup

Nothing else screams easy baby dinner more than reaching for a can of pureed pumpkin. Turning it into soup is a vitamin A-packed way to end your baby’s day. Boost its nutrient content as well as make its texture and flavor more interesting to the fussy mouth of your baby by adding it with chopped up vegetables — anything that you deem fit is fine!

Sweet Potato Puree

Boil tiny cubes of sweet potatoes and then throw them in the food processor afterwards. Instantly, your little one has a nutrient-dense delicious dinner that can help ensure proper development of his or her eyes (thanks to vitamin A) and also a strong immune system (thanks to vitamin C).


Potato and Cream

For extra creamy sweet potato dinner that your baby will surely love, it’s a great idea to puree boiled cubes of sweet potatoes with fresh cream. This dinnertime idea provides your baby with good amounts of calcium necessitated by his or her rapidly growing bones.

Scrambled Eggs

If your little one is at least 6 months old, then there’s a dinner for him or her that you can whip up in a snap — scrambled eggs! To make it even more satisfying and nutritious, feel free to add some shredded boiled chicken to it. Your baby will surely love the texture of scrambled eggs, so both parties can enjoy a hassle-free supper.

Grated Carrots

Aside from shreds of boiled chicken, you may also add some grated carrots to scrambled eggs. Every mom and non-mom knows for a fact that carrots are packed with vitamin A. They also supply your baby with so many other important nutrients, ranging from vitamin C, calcium, potassium, magnesium to iron.

Got any other fantastic dinner ideas for babies? Don’t feel too shy to share them in the comments section below so that other moms may also try them for their little ones!

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