Appendicitis Pain Remedies

Appendicitis pain is the pain felt in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen or the McBurney’s point, in relation to the condition appendicitis. Appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix and it highly affects the person’s movement and daily activities. While this kind of pain may be tolerated by some, it may be intolerable for other people. The following are the causes, signs and symptoms, and home remedies for appendicitis pain.


Appendicitis pain is caused by the inflammation of the appendix, a three and a half inch long tissue tube that extends from the large intestine. The inflammation results from either blockage by stool or foreign body, or cancer. As per Web MD, infection may also lead to blockage, since the appendix becomes swollen as inflammatory response to an infection in the body. It is added that a pus-filled abscess forms outside the inflamed appendix and a scar tissue coats the appendix from the rest of the abdomen to prevent spread of infection.

Signs and Symptoms

Appendicitis pain may be dull and it is commonly felt in the upper abdomen. According to Web MD, the pain may become sharp as it travels to the lower right quadrant of the abdomen; as per the publication, it is usually the first sign of the condition. Appendicitis pain can also be felt in the upper abdomen, at the back, or the rectum. Associated symptoms include nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, fever, abdominal swelling, inability to pass gas, severe cramps, painful urination,, diarrhea, and constipation.

Home Remedies

Pain medications may be prescribed by the health care provide to relieve the condition. While medical consult is not yet done, remedies can be done to manage appendicitis pain.


One remedy for appendicitis is ginger. According to Top 10 Home Remedies, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, which help relieve the condition. Ginger helps decrease pain and inflammation, in addition to relieving the associated symptoms nausea and vomiting. As per the publication, the person drinks ginger tea twice or thrice a day. A teaspoon of grated ginger or ginger slices is added to a cup of boiling water for five to ten minutes. Ginger capsules can also be taken, but only following a medical consult.

High Fiber Diet

Another remedy for appendicitis is eating a high fiber diet. According to Home Remedies for You, a high fiber diet, which includes fruits and green leafy vegetables, such as beetroot, cucumber, and carrot juice are very helpful when it comes to the management of the condition. Fiber helps remove the unwanted materials in the body, such as debris, toxins, free radicals, and flush them out from the body. Also, fiber promotes bowel movement, relieving constipation, which is an associated symptom of appendicitis pain.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice also helps alleviate appendix pain. According to Find Home Remedy, it can be combined with honey; the person may combine one liter of each liquid. Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, which boost the immune response against the infective agents in appendicitis. This may reduce swelling, infection, and the pain associated with the condition.

Medical Consult

One should consider seeking medical consult if sharp pain is felt in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. This suggests acute appendicitis and rupture of the appendix may lead to peritonitis, an infection of the abdominal cavity. The condition may lead to sepsis or infection of the bloodstream. The doctor will perform tests that will confirm or rule out the diagnosis of acute appendicitis and from there, will develop medical management plans and interventions to manage the pain and the condition.

Appendicitis pain is an uncomfortable experience and it may adversely affect a person’s activities of daily living. On top of that, infection may result from rupture of the appendix.




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