Why You Should Have Tanjong in Your Life

Tanjong is an exotic fruit of a tropical tree having the said name. If you have access to it, including tanjong in your diet as regularly as you can is a wonderful idea. That’s because it supplies the body with nutrients like fiber, protein, potassium, sodium, iron and most especially vitamin C.

Read on to know more about tanjong and also a little about the tree from which it comes. After checking out this article, kindly repost on your social media sites to get everyone you care about acquainted with tanjong, too!

Tanjong is ovoid in shape that turns red orange in color when it is fully ripe. When touched, the skin feels velvety because of the presence of very tiny hairs. Inside every piece of tanjong is a large seed. Pigeons and other types of birds love feasting on ripened tanjong, and that’s why they should be harvested ASAP.

Before we take a look at some of the reasons why you should consider adding tanjong to your diet on a regular basis, let us momentarily put the tanjong tree in the spotlight which it greatly deserves.

For so many years now, the tanjong tree is being used for medicinal purposes. Just about any part of the said tree found abundantly in tropical forests of Asia can be used for dealing with a number of health problems. For instance, the bark can be boiled in water and later on used for disinfecting wounds and treating cosmetic issues like pimples and acne. The leaves can be used for eliminating headaches.

The flowers, on the other hand, can be dried or turned into tea, and commonly employed for improving brain functioning and safeguarding the heart from an assortment of problems.

Now it’s time for us to check out the reasons why you should welcome tanjong into your life:

It Strengthens the Bones and Teeth

One of the nutrients that you can obtain from tanjong is calcium. Needless to say, this exotic fruit is something that can lower your risk of osteoporosis by having your bones strengthened. Aside from your bones, calcium in tanjong is essential, too, for making your pearly whites resistant to cavities and dental carries.

It Lowers Your Blood Pressure

Bananas are sought after by those who suffer from hypertension because of their potassium that can dilate the blood vessels and lower the blood pressure. Just in case you are tired of eating bananas regularly, you may switch to tanjong because it’s also a good source of potassium.

It Prevents Iron-Deficiency Anemia

Tanjong also yields iron, which is a mineral that helps prevent a type of anemia that is often due to insufficient iron in the diet. You see, iron is vital for increasing hemoglobin in the red blood cells for proper transportation of oxygen. If hemoglobin is not optimal, then iron-deficiency anemia can strike.

It Normalizes Bowel Movement

Consuming tanjong on a regular basis is an effective way to keep constipation at bay. This tropical fruit can make it happen because it is an excellent source of dietary fiber. Experts say that it’s not just constipation that can be prevented by a diet high in fiber, but also hemorrhoids, colon cancer and even heart disease.

It Makes Your Immune System Strong

Last but not least, the regular intake of tanjong can considerably lower your odds of having an infection. It’s because of the loads of vitamin C in it. Aside from boosting your immune system, vitamin C in tanjong offers a handful of other benefits, including stronger gums and younger-looking skin.

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