Uses of Agrimony

Agrimony is the name that is used to refer to a genus of about 15 types of perennial flowering plants that are known for their medicinal properties. There are many health benefits linked to this plant which has been used for centuries and although its uses are still being contested, herbalists are still using it for treating various ailments. So what exactly are the health benefits linked to agrimony? Here are a few that are worth mentioning.

Boosts digestion

One of the benefits that you can get from agrimony is that it acts as anti-inflammatory agent that can treat whatever digestive problems that you may be having. Diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and other gastrointestinal issues can be eliminated with the help of agrimony. You see, when you ingest this herb, it will be able to soothe any irritation or inflammation on your gut tissues or membranes. You will see a significant improvement on your stomach.

Helps with bladder control

Bladder control can be an issue when we were young or when we get old which can be quite frustrating to say the least. Agrimony’s astringent properties actually help you control your bowel movements better so that there will be less bed wetting incidents happening. What’s great about agrimony is that it is non-toxic which means that there won’t be any negative effects to your health.

Treats sore throat

Another way to use agrimony is for treating sore throat. It is a common ingredient in many herbal remedies for sore throat because of the tannins that it contains that can actually help tone down the amount of mucus forming in the throat.

Strengthens hair and nails

What else can you get out of agrimony? It appears that this herb can contribute to strengthening your hair and nails so that they won’t be prone to dullness or even breakage. This is due to the fact that agrimony has plenty of silicic acid which can support your hair and nails. This may not be the best health benefit but we all need the help that we can get. Brittleness is common on our hair and nails because we are not getting enough vitamins and minerals but with agrimony, you are getting important nutrients that will help beef up their overall health.

Treats various skin issues

Agrimony has been found useful when treating sores, varicose ulcers, wounds, and eczema just to name a few especially when ingested in teas or in the form of infusions. If you are dealing with acne, this ingredient can provide you with relief. It has been found to be useful in treating conjunctivitis in the form of weaker infusions used as eyewash just like what the ancient Greeks were doing.

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