Tips on Eliminating Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion refers to a condition that results from the obstruction of the nasal passages secondary to inflammation of the blood vessels and membranes lining the nose. It differs from runny nose, since the latter presents the flow of colds to the outside of the nose. The following are some information about the condition and some tips to manage it.


Nasal congestion has several causes. According to Health Line, these include allergies, hay fever, chemical exposures, environmental irritants, chronic sinusitis or long-lasting sinus infection, deviated septum, and nasal polyps, benign or noncancerous growths in the nasal passages. Other causes include rhinitis, influenza, enlarge adenoids, nasal injury, and allergic asthma, among others.


Nasal congestion also has various symptoms. According to Everyday Health, these include stuffy nose, posterior nasal drip, cough, fever, sore throat, and eye redness. These can be accompanied by facial pain, headache, and sometimes, it can be alternating with runny nose. Discharge can be noted a thick, colored nasal secretion.



The following are management tips for nasal congestion.

Nasal Spray or Irrigator

One way to eliminate nasal congestion is through the use of nasal spray or nasal irrigator. According to Web MD, nasal spray, which is salt water, helps keep the nasal passages from drying out. Also, nasal irrigator can be used. It uses distilled or boiled sterile water and the device is rinsed after each use.

Humidifiers or Vaporizers

The use of a humidifier or vaporizer also helps eliminate nasal congestion. According to otolaryngology professor Scott P.Stringer, as cited by Everyday Health, extra humidity via humidifiers could provide a lot of relief. The principle is to add moisture to the air a person breathes, which thins the mucus in the nose and relieves the congestion.


In terms of food, garlic is one of the remedies for nasal congestion. According to Top 10 Home Remedies, it has antiviral and antifungal properties, which help combat the microbes that cause the nasal congestion. As per the publication, the person eats fresh garlic cloves to relieve the discomfort. Alternatively, he boiled two to three cloves in a cup of water. Then, the preparation is consumed until the congestion resolves.

Overall, nasal congestion itself is not as severe as influenza and pneumonia; however, it still gives airway and breathing discomfort to the person. Thus, it is vital to manage it right away, either with remedies or medical consult, to relieve the discomfort and prevent it from progressing to the aforementioned conditions.





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