Taking Care of your Dentures

Teeth are made of a hard substance called enamel. However, overtime including other hygienic factors contribute to the breakdown of the tooth. Crowns and root canals are usually the most recommended treatment for such. Unfortunately, if a tooth or several of them are damaged beyond repair, acquiring dentures can restore your teeth to their former glory. 

What Are Dentures?

Dentures are artificial teeth which are made of either nylon, acrylic and metal. These are custom made false teeth with bases that fit the palate of the mouth and accommodate the tongue or anchored by a metal framework. While they improve the aesthetic condition of your smile, they also aid in solving eating and speech problems.

Full Dentures

Dentures that are fitted to replace the complete upper or lower set of teeth or both are call full dentures. These type of dentures are set with an upper base set against the roof of your mouth and/or with a lower base  shaped as a horseshoe as not to hinder with the tongue.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are opted when only a few teeth are to be replaced. These false teeth are fitted into a metal framework that will be anchored to the gums and attached to the remaining teeth replacing the missing teeth.

When to Have Them Replaced?

Since dentures only mimic the enamel and the base is made artificially, they are prone to wear. In general, dentists recommend getting your dentures refitted, rebased, realigned or completely replaced every five years. The mouth, gums and teeth changes as we grow older. Sometimes dentures become loose or misaligned. And the bases of the dentures are breakable that is why it is important to take good care when handling them. However, with proper care and maintaining good hygiene will help you make your dentures last longer.

How to Properly Clean Your Dentures?

Reduce wearing of your dentures by maintaining good hygiene. This is not just your dentures but your whole mouth health. Here are some guidelines in properly cleaning your dentures.

  • Be gentle when removing them and when handling them, make sure to have them over a folded towel or basin of water. This will lessen the occurrence of breakage of the bases. Also make sure you have clean hands before and after handling them.
  • Regularly brush them with toothpaste including the bases and the metal framework. Your gums, tongue and the roof of your mouth also need cleaning before replacing your dentures.
  • Keep them in a denture cleaning solution with water or plain water as to stop them from drying out. Do not use hot water as that may cause contortion of the dentures.
  • If using an adhesive, be sure to follow the instructions on the box as specified by the manufacturer. Also, remove any residue from the adhesive after using them. Most denture adhesives can be removed by brushing them away with toothpaste.
  • Regular checkups to the dentist can ensure your dental health and the fit and the integrity of your dentures.
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