Swimming Pool Workouts that Blast Fat

We all have been advised to make exercise an essential part of our days in order to maintain a strong and healthy body. But for most of us, going to the gym all the time can be pretty boring. Yes, the outdoors offer some interesting venues for us to sweat it out but what about taking your workout to the waters, specifically, inside a swimming pool? Is this even possible?

Swimming pool workouts have been around for quite some time now and it is only a few years ago that they made a comeback in the fitness scene. Working out in water can actually reduce the impact on your joints but this doesn’t mean that you won’t be blasting fat because your muscles will be working doubly hard just to keep you afloat as you move from one workout to the next. So which pool workouts should you try? Here are some examples to consider.


One pool workout that you can try is the Spiderman. Start by standing near the wall of the pool. Tilt yourself backwards as you try to walk up the wall. Move your arms behind you to keep you from fully submerging in the water while walking up and down against the wall. You should do 4 sets. This workout is designed to train your core as well as your back muscles. 


If you are a fan of dancing and have signed up for some Zumba classes, then you will definitely love doing Zumba in water. This raises the bar in terms of difficulty level because now you will be dealing with resistance coming from the water in the pool. What’s great about dancing in the pool is that you won’t have to be embarrassed about looking stiff as a pole because your body is underwater. And if you think this won’t make you burn calories, think again. 


Jogging on land is one way to ramp up your calorie burning ability but if you are not into feeling sweaty and sticky afterwards, bring this workout in the pool. You need to create waves and currents first in the pool to create the resistance that you want. Once you have done so, run against the waves to build up your core muscles. See to it that your shoulders, ears, and hips are all aligned so that your core will be properly activated and that you will remain upright in water. 

Treading water 

You’ve probably learned how to tread in water when you were a kid but did you know that it is one of the solid pool workouts that you can do to tone your muscles and burn fat fast? Practice waving your arms and paddling your first in shallow water until you are confident enough to go to the deeper part of the pool. You’ll definitely feel a burn in your muscles in no time. 

These are just a few examples of pool workouts that are guaranteed to help you blast fat fast without having to worry about sweating a lot. You’ll see a huge difference in your overall physique if you do these exercises regularly.

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