Signs You May Have Gingivitis

Is the toothpaste you spit out each time you brush your teeth tinged with bright-red blood? Maybe you are brushing your teeth aggressively. Or maybe you are suffering from gingivitis.

Simply put, gingivitis is gum disease during its initial stages. It’s something that is caused by plaque, which is a sticky transparent film consisting of bacteria, that forms on your teeth and gums all the time. If you fail to get rid of plaque by means of brushing and flossing, your gums can become irritated and inflamed, leading to gingivitis.

Fortunately, gingivitis is something that can easily be treated by your dentist. If you are suffering from it and you refuse to pay the nearest dental clinic a visit, it can definitely become worse.

You surely don’t want gingivitis to progress and turn into periodontitis, which is something that can damage the tissues that hold your teeth in place as well as your jaw bone. Do take note that periodontitis is not a reversible disease, and thus it can permanently rob you of your smile.

Because of this, it’s of utmost importance for you to spring into action as soon as you have gingivitis. Here are some of the signs that you may actually be suffering from this gum problem:

You Have Painful or Sensitive Gums

Definitely, your gums will hurt whenever you are brushing your teeth. This is most especially true if you’re not using a soft-bristled toothbrush or you are simply brushing like there’s no tomorrow. Even everyday tasks such as chewing and drinking hot and cold beverages can bring pain and discomfort if you have gingivitis.

Your Gums are Swollen

If your gums appear red and inflamed, you may be suffering from gingivitis. Such is caused by poisonous substances that bacteria produce, which causes your gums to become irritated and swollen. But don’t wait for the swelling to go away on its own — the smartest thing to do is have your dentist take a look at your gums pronto.

You Bleed When Brushing or Flossing

Because your gums are inflamed, it can be very easy for them to bleed whenever you brush your teeth. Flossing can also be a daunting task as it can also cause further bleeding. If you’re quite sure that you’re brushing and flossing as gently as you can and your gums still bleed, you may actually have gingivitis.

Your Breath Always Stinks

Having bad breath from time to time is perfectly fine. It’s a different story, however, if it seems like your breath is constantly the kind that can offend everyone around you. Such mortifying problem is brought about by plaque buildup as it contains bacteria that give off a terrible odor, thus making your breath smell horrid all of the time.

You Spot Some Pus

If you can see pus, then it’s a clear sign that you have gingivitis and it’s actually progressing. The presence of pus is quite understandable as your body is trying to deal with the problem, but it cannot do it on its own without the help of a dentist. Needless to say, seeing some pus calls for an immediate trip to the dental clinic.

Your Gums are Receding

Does it seem like your teeth are longer than usual? Chances are your gums are receding, making your chompers appear elongated. Receding gums is usually milder during a bout of gingivitis, but it’s something that can quickly worsen if gingivitis progresses to periodontitis.

Consulting your dentist is imperative if you want to keep your smile intact. After being diagnosed with gingivitis and treated for it, make sure that you stick to good oral hygiene practices to keep the problem from coming back.

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