What You Need to Know Before You Dry Brush

Let’s face it, we tend to take note of supermodels and popular figures whenever we see how gorgeously glowing their skin looks. And because we consider ourselves as huge fans, whatever regimen they follow, we do too even if it means taking up dry brushing.

But what is dry brushing, anyway?

Dry brushing is basically what it means, you brush your skin with a body brush while it is dry. The purpose here is to do a total body exfoliation so that it will be easier for your skin to absorb the moisture coming from your skin creams. Also, dry brushing is believed to help with improving one’s blood circulation and lymphatic system even which contribute to your skin’s natural glow.

Helpful Tips for Dry Brushing

Before you start getting a brush and start brushing your skin raw, there are a few tips that you need to take into account to get the best results from this skin care regimen. Here are some tips to take into consideration.

The Brush. There are many body brushes being sold today but avoid those that are synthetic as they can scratch your skin when used. A better option would be natural brushes that have long handles and detachable heads so that you can gain access to the hard to reach areas of your body and simply detach the brush when using on your legs, arms, chest, and other parts that you can easily reach.

Your Body. Dry brushing is best done when your skin is still dry as this will make it easier for you to exfoliate your body properly. The best time to do dry brushing is before you get into the shower so that you will be able to wash off the dead skin cells that you have just removed.

Areas to Brush. This skin care routine is not just for the legs alone because you want to get rid of cellulite but it can be done all over your body. Dry brush all the  parts of your body, including those areas that you can’t easily reach, to unveil smooth and healthier looking skin.

Movement. When it comes to dry brushing, it’s not merely moving your brush up and down but it has a specific movement that you need to adhere to. You will need to start at your ankles and make long, circular motions going upwards toward your heart with your brush using a slight but firm pressure. Follow this pattern until you have dry brushed your entire body then take a shower or bath afterwards.

Wash the Brush. Don’t forget to wash your brush at least two times a week. Use a baby shampoo to remove the dead skin cells that cling to the bristles of your brush. Rinse your brush thoroughly and allow it to air dry so you can use it on your next dry brushing session.

Moisturize. Of course, you shouldn’t forget to moisturize your skin after you take a shower so that your skin will be able to absorb all the nutrients and lock them in place. This will make your skin feel smoother and glowing especially after a round of dry brushing. 

Dry brushing has been around for quite some time now which means it is an effective skin care regimen to follow. Exfoliating your skin allows healthier skin cells to appear so you can flaunt that natural glow once more. Just make sure that you follow the steps mentioned above when dry brushing to get the most benefits.

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