Medicinal Benefits of Hydrocotyle

Hydrocotyle is a plant utilized for so many years now in dealing with many different health problems. Traditional healers often rely on it for treating joint and muscle pain, although it is also used for many other purposes that range from disinfecting boils to relieving the various symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection.

If you are into medicinal plants, read on to know more about hydrocotyle. Afterwards, share this article to let your family and friends get introduced to it as well!

Hydrocotyle is native to various tropical areas of the planet. Often, it is found thriving in bodies of water such as rivers, lakes and ponds. The leaves of this plant are small and shaped like kidneys, and the edges are scalloped. It bears simple round-shaped flowers that eventually become circular fruits.

Just about every part of hydrocotyle can be used for medicinal purposes, from the roots to the leaves. Often, they are turned into poultices and decoctions. By the way, it’s something that is also oftentimes consumed as a vegetable. When cooked, hydrocotyle gives off an odor that’s very much similar to that of parsley’s.

Let’s check out some of the medicinal properties of hydrocotyle:

Reduces Joint and Muscle Pain and Swelling

One of the most popular uses for hydrocotyle as a medicinal plant is for joints and muscles that are painful and swollen. It’s revered for its amazing analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Needless to say, hydrocotyle is beneficial for individuals who are suffering from osteoarthritis and rheumatism.

Lowers Body Temperature During a Bout of Fever

Hydrocotyle is commonly employed, too, by traditional healers for reducing fever. Often, it is the extract of this medicinal plant that is administered for lowering increased temperature of the body.

Alleviates Symptoms of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections

Decoctions out of hydrocotyle can be very beneficial for individuals who are suffering from the common cold, flu or any other infection concerning the upper respiratory tract. That’s because it is capable of relieving some of the associated symptoms, like congestion or stuffiness of the airways, breathing difficulty, chest tightness and coughing.

Relieves a Sore and Irritated Throat

Hydrocotyle is also often boiled in water and allowed to cool, and then used as a gargle for managing a sore throat. It may also be employed as a mouth rinse for alleviating sores and inflammation in the oral cavity.

Manages a Number of Problems Concerning the Skin

There are all sorts of matters regarding the skin that can be managed with the help of hydrocotyle poultices or decoctions. For instance, the medicinal plant is commonly utilized for relieving skin irritation and itchiness. It’s also used often for disinfecting minor cuts and wounds, as well as boils and ulcers.

Improves Vitality of Those Who are Getting Cancer Treatments

Fatigue and a weakened immune system are some of the most common side effects of chemotherapy, and it is said that the use of hydrocotyle can help in improving both vitality and immunity of individuals who undergo it.

Decreases Risk of Cancers and Tumors

Traditionally, hydrocotyle is utilized for considerably reducing a person’s risk of developing cancers and tumors. That’s because the medicinal plant contains certain compounds that have antioxidant properties, such as apigenin and chlorogenic acid. Hydrocotyle is also often used for reducing oxidative stress.

Nowadays, you can easily purchase hydrocotyle in various forms such as capsules, powders, tinctures and extracts. They are readily available at many healthy food or herbal stores as well as on the internet. Before using hydrocotyle in any form for therapeutic purposes, make sure that you let your doctor know about it first.

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