How to Make Popsicles That Help Soothe a Sore Throat

Does your throat itch like crazy and you are on the hunt for a way to deal with it all-naturally and effectively asap? Then treat yourself to a popsicle! Not the kind that is laden with sugar and artificial ingredients, but something that you make in your own kitchen using some ingredients that are tried-and-tested effective against a sore throat.


Plus the cooling effect of a popsicle can make you say bye-bye to your problem in a snap!


One of the ingredients you will need for coming up with sore-throat fighting popsicles is lemonade. We all know that lemonade is packed with vitamin C, which is a very powerful antioxidant. During a bout of sore throat, it’s a good idea to have your immune system strengthened, and vitamin C is the right one for the job!

However, do make sure that your lemonade is free of sugar, something which can exacerbate the issue. When shopping for lemonade, always check the packaging to ensure that your homemade popsicles that offers sore throat relief does not contain anything that can worsen your problem. Of course you can also choose to make lemonade from scratch!

The other ingredient is raw honey. For so many years now, raw honey is a revered traditional remedy for a sore throat because of its soothing properties. What’s more, the addition of honey helps make a sore throat-busting popsicle taste phenomenal — even kids will love it!

Speaking of which, this particular homemade popsicle for a sore throat is good for adults as well as children. However, doctors say that it’s not a good idea to give raw honey to children less than a year old.

Another very important ingredient is chamomile tea. The intake of this beverage is a wonderful home remedy for a wide variety of health problems, and that includes a sore throat. Generally speaking, chamomile tea is considered as something safe for kids. But if you want utmost peace of mind, it’s a good idea to steep a bag of chamomile tea in boiling water for only a couple of minutes to come up with mild chamomile tea for making sore throat-alleviating popsicles.

The addition of chamomile tea can also help adults and kids with a sore throat to attain a good night’s sleep. The truth is chamomile tea is regarded as a wonderful all-natural remedy for insomnia. So if your itchy and inflamed throat is keeping you from having a much-needed trip to dreamland, let chamomile tea lend a hand!


Ready to come up with popsicles that can combat a sore throat? Read on!



  • 1 cup of sugar-free lemonade (supermarket-bought or homemade)
  • 1 cup of boiling water
  • 1 bag of chamomile tea
  • 2 tablespoons of raw honey



  • First, you need to make a cup of chamomile tea. Allow the tea bag to steep in a cup of boiling water. If you want your sore throat-fighting popsicles to be really strong, allow the tea bag to steep in boiling water for several minutes — or until the boiling water is already at room temperature. But if you wish for a child to benefit from the said popsicles, it’s a good idea to let the chamomile tea bag steep in boiling water for a couple of minutes only.
  • Once your cup of chamomile tea is at room temperature, place it in a mixing bowl. Add into it a cup of sugar-free lemonade, followed by raw honey. Stir all of the liquid ingredients very well.
  • Pour into your popsicle molds and stash in the freezer. It usually takes about 2 hours for those sore throat-eliminating popsicles to harden.
  • The moment that the popsicles are frozen, feel free to start licking or sucking on one to get rid of that pesky sore throat in a snap!






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