How to Make the Perfect Crispy Kale Chips

Not all chips are evil. There are some that you may snack on whether you are trying to improve your figure or enhance your overall health — or both. Kale chips are definitely good for you. Not only are they crispy and delicious, but they also supply the body with loads of nutrients!

If you’re like most people who can’t stand eating kale raw or in juice form, then this article is for you. That’s because this will teach you how to make crispy kale chips that are perfect for various occasions, whether you are watching your favorite TV sitcom or you have some health-conscious relatives or friends dropping by.

Before we take a look at the recipe, let’s first put the spotlight on this amazing vegetable.

There is no denying that kale is a superfood — it’s actually a member of the cruciferous family, so it’s related to the likes of cabbage, broccoli, mustard, bok choi, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.

Some people hate kale because it tastes kind of bitter and peppery. Others loathe it simply because of the fact that it seems like everybody can’t stop talking about the many health benefits that kale brings. Well, you can’t blame those who are blabbing about kale 24/7 because the superfood is so impressive!

Check out some of the health benefits that it’s known to offer:

-It wards off constipation because it is high in dietary fiber. 

-It lowers one’s risk of heart disease, again because of the loads of dietary fiber it contains. 

-It lowers blood pressure and controls palpitations, thanks to its potassium content. 

-It keeps iron-deficiency anemia at bay as it supplies the body with iron. 

-It strengthens the immune system, courtesy of the vitamin C it contains abundantly. 

-It promotes younger-looking skin, again because it is very rich in vitamin C. 

-It helps keep your eyesight intact since it is also an excellent source of vitamin A. 

-It saves you from bleeding excessively, thanks to its vitamin K that’s needed for blood clotting. 

-It fends off joint pains as it is a phenomenal anti-inflammatory vegetable. 

-It also lowers you risk of cancer, again because of its anti-inflammatory properties. 

-It also has tons of antioxidants that also help your body wage a war against deadly cancer. 

-It has detoxifying properties since it’s a cruciferous vegetable that neutralizes poisons.

Kale is downright amazing, isn’t it? So now it’s time for us to learn how to make kale chips that are nutritious, crispy and delicious! Here’s the super simple recipe:


1 bundle of kale (purple or green, it doesn’t really matter — go for something that you like)

2 tablespoons of avocado oil (or any other healthy oil that you like, such as olive oil or coconut oil)

Seasoning (again, feel free to opt for something you love — cumin powder, curry powder, sea salt, etc.)


Have your oven preheated to 225°F — that’s equivalent to 107°C.

In the meantime, get your bundle of kale thoroughly rinsed under running water and then dried.

Tear into bite-sized pieces and place in a large mixing bowl. It’s okay to for small stems to stay intact.

Sprinkle the seasoning of your choice on the small pieces of kale.

It’s also time for you to have the pieces of kale drizzled with the healthy oil of your choice.

Using both of your hands, toss thoroughly to ensure that every piece of kale is covered with seasoning and oil.

Grab a large baking sheet. Neatly spread the seasoned and oiled pieces of kale over it.

Not enough room for everything? Then use another baking sheet.

Stash the baking sheet/s in the oven and bake for about 15 minutes. Lightly toss the pieces of kale halfway.

You know that your kale chips are done when they are already light brown and crispy.

Remove the baking sheet/s from the oven and allow your homemade kale chips to cool for a while.

Serve and enjoy!

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