Lotus Seeds Facts and Benefits

The lotus flower bears numerous seeds that can be consumed. In many countries in Asia, lotus seeds are commonly eaten. Although they can be ingested raw, lotus seeds are commonly roasted. You can snack on roasted lotus seeds just like popcorn. However, they are way healthier for you than popcorn — particularly the kind that’s popped in the microwave which is laden with sodium and fat, not to mention emits toxic fumes that can harm your respiratory system.

Consuming lotus seeds should not be an issue because they have a kind of sweet taste. Especially if you are a health-conscious person, you will surely love them as they are packed with an assortment of vitamins and minerals. According to experts on nutrition, a 100-gram serving of lotus seeds contains the following:

  • Calcium – 44 milligrams
  • Iron – 0.95 milligrams
  • Magnesium – 56 milligrams
  • Phosphorus – 168 milligrams
  • Potassium – 367 milligrams
  • Zinc – 0.28 milligrams
  • Manganese – 0.62 milligrams
  • Vitamin A – 13 UI (international units)

The same serving of lotus seeds also packs a variety of amino acids, which are building blocks of protein. And just like so many other edible seeds on the planet, lotus seeds are high in fiber.

If you are trying to lose weight, then you will surely love lotus seeds — a 100-gram serving of it contains 89 calories only. Since they’re very low in fat and sodium, snacking on lotus seeds won’t harm your heart. The fact that it contains lots of fiber can save you from hunger pangs since fiber can make your stomach feel full for a long, long time.

In Chinese medicine, lotus seeds — much like the rest of the lotus plant such as the roots, stems and leaves — are used for healing an assortment of health problems. But you don’t need to get in touch with a traditional healer just to take advantage of the many perks that lotus seeds bring. Again, you may munch on them raw, but a lot of people prefer to have lotus seeds roasted, which you may also crush and add to desserts, porridge and stir-fry vegetables.

Here are some of the most amazing benefits you can obtain from adding lotus seeds in your diet:

  • Regular bowel movement. Consuming lotus seeds and other foods that contain good amounts of fiber helps prevent constipation because fiber promotes the movement of waste products along your intestines so that they can be eliminated.
  • A good night’s sleep. Snacking on a handful of lotus seeds is a good idea before you hit the sack. This is especially true if you are an insomniac. Traditional healers recommend lotus seeds to people with sleeping disorders as well as anxiety because they have all-natural sedating properties.
  • Young-looking skin. Did you know that a lot of anti-aging products and many other cosmetics have lotus seeds in them? That’s because antioxidants and certain enzymes in lotus seeds are very good at keeping the skin healthy, and are even capable of reversing age-related issues.
  • A healthier mouth. Munching on some lotus seeds can actually help keep the mouth in an excellent shape. Traditionally, lotus seeds are used for treating ulcerations and sores in the mouth. They are also employed for putting an end to gum problems like bleeding and inflammation.
  • Increased energy levels. Thanks to the impressive blend of vitamins and minerals lotus seeds have, consuming them can help give you a dose of energy. Feel free to sprinkle some of them on your oats or breakfast cereal to start your day right. Definitely, roasted lotus seeds make for great additions to your homemade trail mix.
  • Regulated blood pressure. In Chinese medicine, lotus seeds are combined with a few other herbs and used for treating high blood pressure. According to modern-day scientists, alkaloids in lotus seeds are capable of relaxing the blood vessels, thus helping to lower blood pressure.
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