Home Remedies for Metallic Taste in the Mouth

Having a metallic taste in the mouth is something that can make you lose your appetite. That’s because it can make just about anything you eat have a horrid flavor to it, including something that you cannot live without.

In addition, a metallic taste in the mouth can cause nausea and vomiting — it can be a nuisance!

Continue reading this article if you often encounter a metallic taste in the mouth. Below you will come across some of the best home remedies for it so that you can go back to having a normal day ASAP.

But before we take a look at those solutions, let us first tackle some of the common causes of this problem.

Dentists say that a metallic taste in the mouth can be due to something as simple as not brushing the teeth and using a dental floss on a regular basis.

A metallic taste in the mouth is usually experienced by those who have acid reflux. It’s also something that bugs people who smoke, but a metallic taste in the mouth should be the least of a smoker’s concerns!

If you are breathing through your mouth because your nose is stuffy, then it’s not unlikely for you to experience a metallic taste in the mouth. The same is true if you are not drinking plenty of fluids every single day.

Are you in the family way? Then it’s very much possible for you to have a metallic taste in the mouth — it’s just one of the many different unfavorable things that pregnancy does to the body!

The intake of certain medications and undergoing cancer treatment can cause the problem, too.

Experts say that in some instances a metallic taste in the mouth can be due to a medical condition that needs to be treated. Some examples include type II diabetes and hyperparathyroidism.

But before you panic, see which of the following home remedies for a metallic taste in the mouth can deliver:


Short for apple cider vinegar, ACV helps get rid of a metallic taste in the mouth in a couple of ways.

First, it neutralizes bacteria in the mouth that can cause that unfavorable metallic taste. Second, it helps in the management of acid reflux, which is another common cause of a metallic taste in the mouth.

Baking Soda

Just like ACV, baking soda is capable of controlling acid reflux — all you have to do is drink a glass of water with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in it. However, do not use this solution all the time.

You may also employ baking soda for getting rid of that metallic taste in the mouth by using it as toothpaste. Or you may dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of it in a cup of lukewarm water and use it as mouthwash.

Salt Water

Other than baking soda, you may also count on salt to eliminate that metallic taste in the mouth.

Simply dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt in a cup of lukewarm water. Use it to rinse your mouth with. It’s also an effective remedy for a sore throat, something that can make your mouth taste horrible, too.

Lemon Juice

Something as simple as drinking a glass of lemon juice can help make that metallic taste in the mouth go away. Lemon juice neutralizes bacteria and also increases saliva production.

However, avoid this home remedy at all costs if the cause of the problem is acid reflux!

Ginger Tea

Not a fan of lemon juice? Worry not because you can simply count on a cup of freshly brewed ginger tea.

Especially if the metallic taste in your mouth is giving you the urge to vomit, drinking ginger tea can provide a hand. It’s also an effective remedy for acid reflux, one of the many culprits of a metallic taste in the mouth.

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