Habits That Can Weaken Your Bladder

Most people take their bladder for granted — until urinary incontinence strikes, which is something that can cause sheer embarrassment. If you think that you won’t have it because you are young, better think again. According to medical experts, urinary incontinence is an issue that many people between the ages of 30 and 70 are facing!

Now are you regretful that you have not been giving your bladder the love and care it truly deserves? Worry not. That’s because it’s not too late — there are certain steps that you may take to ensure the health of your bladder.

But instead of enumerating the things that you may do to lower your risk of having urinary incontinence in the near future, let’s discuss some of the bladder-wrecking things that most people are guilty of doing. Below you will find some very common habits that can damage your bladder — quit doing the ones you habitually do.

Carrying Excess Pounds

We all know that being overweight or obese comes with a number of health risks, and one of those is urinary incontinence. That’s because all the excess fat in your midsection are putting a lot of pressure on your bladder, and it can considerably reduce the amount of urine the bladder can hold at a time. So what happens when the bladder gets packed with pee? Some of them can escape when you laugh, sneeze or carry a heavy object.

Taking Certain Weight Loss Pills

Different weight loss pills work differently, and some of them deliver results by increasing urine production. Taking those so-called “water pills” will surely leave you making a lot of bathroom trips. And if a bathroom is not available and your urinary bladder is already full, it’s not unlikely for some of them to leak out. Taking them is a definite no-no if you already have signs of urinary incontinence as water pills can further make your bladder weak.

By the way, there are numerous OTC and prescription drugs that can either increase urine production or leave the bladder relaxed, and this can increase the likelihood of pee coming out without your permission.

Having Alcoholic and Caffeinated Drinks

It’s not just certain medications that can cause an increase in urine production, but also some of the beverages you love. They are those that contain alcohol and caffeine, such as coffee, black tea, green tea, soda and energy drinks. Taking lots of these beverages is a terrible idea for anyone who has urinary incontinence or at risk of it. This doesn’t mean that you should turn your back on your favorite drinks — just take them in moderation.

Drinking Too Little Water

Everyone is well-aware that drinking enough water per day is good for the body. There are simply too many problems that may arise if you are dehydrated, and your urinary bladder is one of those organs that can be affected. If you are drinking too little water, your urine becomes concentrated. Such can cause bladder irritation that can lead to its weakening.

On the other hand, drinking far too many water is also just as bad for your bladder. So how can you tell if you are drinking just the right amount of water? Well, you can use the color of your pee as a guide. If it’s dark yellow, you need to drink more water. If it’s crystal-clear, you need to drink a little less.

Eating Irritating Foods

It’s no secret that spicy or acidic foods are bad for people with acid reflux as they can cause irritation of the esophagus. Did you know that they can irritate your bladder, too? If you often find yourself facing signs of urinary incontinence, recall the foods you have eaten recently — it’s likely that some of them are bladder-irritating ones.

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